Chapter 26

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We end up staying in bed for the whole day. I don't complain, though, it's nice to have my mate all to myself, without him constantly leaving to take care of something. Because of that stupid inspection he barely slept, never mind having time for me. Had it not been for Beta Ruby, I would probably go crazy.

The whole day was peaceful, much to my surprise, but it's the next morning when shit goes down.

As we walk downstairs for breakfast, famished after our yesterday's activities, we hear the hushed worried voices of the Betas and my dad.

"What's going on?" I demand as soon as we step into the kitchen. Dad only glances at Hunter worriedly then gives me an apologetic look.

"Luna Kingston... is gone." I gasp in shock, taking a step back as tears immediately stream down my cheeks.

"What do you mean 'gone'?" Hunter shakily asks, tightening his hold of my hand.

"I just talked to Luna Caster. There was an attack yesterday, but your mother never came back to the pack." Dad quietly says and I can tell he feels as bad about this as we do.

"She's not dead!" Hunter snarls with pure conviction in his voice. I can only stare at him tearfully, since I know there's nothing I can do to help him.

"Alpha-" Adam starts but is cut off with a furious growl coming from my mate.


"Baby, how are you so sure?" I decide to ask, knowing he won't hurt me no matter how mad he is.

"I would've felt it." He brokenly whispers, seemingly not trusting his voice not to break. "She's alive, but who knows what happened to her-"

I know he was about to say more, but suddenly there is a huge crash in the living room. We all rush to check what's wrong only to find a bloodied man on the floor with Luna Angel furiously pummeling her fists into his torso before ripping his heart out. She pants heavily in exertion, not even minding us standing here.

After few seconds she turns to the hole in the wall, through which they flew inside, and sighs deeply. "Sorry about that."

"Mom? What... what just happened?" Hunter questions but I didn't miss the sigh of relief he breathed when he saw his mother.

"Son of a bitch ran around Ally's pack while I was fighting the others. I had to chase him." It's my first time seeing Luna Angel so tired. She looks like she hasn't slept for the last two weeks and is barely standing as she breathes heavily.

"Thank goddess you're okay, Thea. – dad sighs in relief – When Ally told me you didn't come back after the attack I was thinking the worst."

"I'm not that easy to kill, Brian, have some faith in the Beast." Luna chuckles, falling down onto the couch. She leans forward with her elbows on her knees and stares at the dead mauled body of the Undead in front of her. "I need to go home for a while. I'll send Diana and Sarah here, since they know what there is to know and Skye seems to like them, but I don't know when I'll come back or if I will. There are some things I need to take care of back home and I don't know how long will it take." She tells us and I frown.

"Is this because of me? But I really like having you here! I don't want to be alone yet!" I cry out, feeling slightly panicky. Luna Angel has been a tremendous help for me since we arrived and I don't want to get separated from her. She's like a mother to me! It's like losing my mom all over again.

"It's not because of you, Skye. But I can't stay here forever, can I? I have a mate and kids to go back to. I love you like my own child, and that's why I won't let any harm come your way." Luna walks up to me and leaves a motherly kiss on my forehead then does the same to Hunter. "Can you send my things home? I want to be on the road as soon as I can." I see Hunter nodding from the corner of my eye, but I can feel that he's upset.

Hunter once told me that he was raised mostly by his mom, since when he was born, Alpha Leo wasn't in the picture. Even after he went back to his father, it was still Luna that he felt closer to, probably because she's and Undead and he's a hybrid. Their bond is extremely strong and I can only imagine what he's feeling at the moment as his mother tells him she's leaving.

"Do you have to go?" Hunter quietly asks, getting a solemn nod from his mom, before she pulls him in a hug.

"I love you, my baby. Take care." Luna kisses Hunter's forehead again then walks out of the house. The rumble of her bike is the last thing we hear as she leaves.

"Why do I feel like I lost her?"


The ride back home is long and painful as my heart breaks for my little Hunter. He will always be my baby boy and I will love him dearly, but while I was away from him, fighting the Undeads attacking Ally's pack, I realized he's not a child anymore and he doesn't need me. He has his own family now and I'm not a part of it.

I made a wrong decision. I shouldn't have come here with them. They're both adults, Hunter more so than Skye, and they will soon have their own pups. I can't meddle in their life. They need to live their own life, without me.

As much as I love my son, I know I can't be with him forever. I got him to his mate, I fought the Undeads to keep them safe, but I can't shelter him and Skye anymore. They need to take charge of their lives.

My place is with Leo.

I don't belong here.

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