Chapter 33

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Ruby and I take the babies to sleep in the nursery, chuckling softly when Adrian immediately secures his sister in his embrace. Since Ruby agreed to babysit them whenever I need, I leave her with them and walk out, intending to find out what's going on with those guests Adam mentioned.

As soon as I walk out the front door, I'm met by an older couple, looking to be about their 50s or something. They stare at Hunter and Adam nervously, but I still catch the woman's sneaky glances around the area. She seems to be inspecting the house and I don't like it.

I walk up behind my mate and stand at his side, grasping onto his hand and using him as my shield as I stand slightly behind him. I don't like the feel I get from those two in front of us. There's something off about them.

"We're asking for refuge, Alpha. There's someone after us and they've been following us for hundreds of miles now. We barely managed to cross the border and come here. Please, help us!" The man pleads. I frown at his tone.

He sounds desperate.

Too desperate. He almost sounds like he's pretending!

'I know, I hear it too.' Pearl says suspiciously in my head, pacing around.

'What do we do?' I ask her. My wolf's been a tremendous help to me with all the Luna stuff. She's confident and has great intuition, which helped me a lot with establishing my position in the pack.

'Tell Hunter he-' I don't hear anything else due to the noise in front of me. Refocusing on whatever's happening, I gasp in shock, stepping back when Luna Angel suddenly shows up in front of Hunter and I, getting between the two older people and us. She's breathing heavily, clenching her fists at her sides.

I quickly glance around, looking for my dad, but he's not here. Did she run here?!

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" She snarls at the two people in front of us, confusing everyone.

The couple stays silent for a moment, looking Luna Angel over. Then the man smiles gently. "You've grown up well."

I feel Hunter go rigid beside me, stepping further back, hiding me with his body and nodding at Adam to go back to the house. 'Stay behind me, love.' He sternly instructs through the mind link, shielding me.

"Don't fuck with me! Why are you here?! Why did you kill my pack members??!!" Luna yells, taking a threatening step towards the couple. "I fucking smelled you there!!!"

The man smiles proudly. "If I knew you'd be this strong I would never sell you." Hunter growls lowly hearing this, while Luna only stares at the man, silently seething.

"So that's what you're here for... – I hear her mutter quietly, seemingly realizing something – You want my son." She declares, glancing at Hunter pointedly.

Just as the man is about to speak, dad's car arrives, his tires screeching as he parks it hurriedly. He almost rips the door off as he jumps out of the car, with Alpha Jones following right behind him from the passenger's seat, rushing to us. Luna Katherine stays by the car, watching the scene unsurely.

"Mom, what are you talking about?!" Hunter questions, tightening his hold on me.

"Hello, grandson." The man smiles at my mate, causing my eyes to almost bulge out with shock. Grandson?!

"Don't even look at him. – Luna snarls at the man before turning to the woman – And what the fuck are you looking at?!" She yells, clearly catching the woman glancing at the house, just like I did.

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