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Little : Jimin
Caregiver : Hoseok

Sequel to Not Pretty Enough, a Jihope story that deserved a part 2.
Requested by a ton of people. They are :

Yes, a LOT of people requested this, so... Your wish is my command!

"What's going on?" the other boys asked as soon as Hoseok stepped out of Jimin's ward.

"He refused to eat anything at first, but I managed to convince him to eat." said Hoseok.

"Why wouldn't he eat at first?" asked Yoongi.

Hoseok immediately glared at him.

"What was that for? Why did you give me that look?" snapped Yoongi.

"You know very well why I'm angry. Not just at you, but at all the others as well." growled Hoseok.

"Calm down, there's no reason to be angry." said Seokjin calmly.

"Yes, there is! Just look at what you've done to poor Jimin, just LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" screamed Hoseok.

"Do you have any idea about the effects of passing a comment about a person's weight?" he continued, "Jimin told me that he didn't want to eat because he wanted to look good for you! He wanted to lose weight for you! He told me that you guys wanted him to lose weight!"

"He looked a bit chubbier than usual-" said Jungkook.

"Jeon Jungkook, you will not say a word about Jimin looking chubby!" interrupted Hoseok.

"Do you guys have any idea what you've done to him?" said Hoseok softly, a tear running down his cheek.

"We're sorry," whispered Namjoon.

Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Don't apologise just for my sake or Jimin's sake," spat Hoseok, "You should be aware of the fact that we are a family. Families are supposed to be a source of support and positivity, not an unsafe community where one tries to bring down the other."

"Look at what your words have done to him," he continued, "He starved himself, he made himself throw up and he even cut himself. How do you think he felt after hearing all the things you had to say? Shame on you all!"

"We understand, hyung," sniffled Jungkook, "And we're sorry."

"If you're really sorry, then go and speak to Jimin." said Hoseok.

The other boys were about to walk towards Jimin's ward when Hoseok stopped them.

"You may see him only from tomorrow. I cannot let you see him today." he said sternly.

"We understand." sighed Seokjin.


"Baby, are you doing alright?" asked Hoseok as he sat beside Jimin's bed.

"Yesh, daddy. Minnie fwinish aww da gween weafy veggies on da pwate aww by 'msewf!" squealed Jimin.

"Good job, baby! And how are you doing?"

"Gwood, daddy! Docta' Jisoo gib me pwesent fo' dwinkin' aww da yucky medicine an' bein' a bwave boy!"

"Oh, what a perfect little boy I have! Would you mind showing me the present that Doctor Jisoo gave you?"

Jimin reached from underneath his blanket and pulled out a colouring book with a set of crayons.

"Ah, that was sweet of her! Did you thank her?" said Hoseok.

"Yesh, daddy! Minnie ish gwood boy!" said Jimin, nodding.

Just then, the doctor entered the ward.

"Jung Hoseok? Visiting hours are over." she said.

"Aw, baby. I'm sorry, I have to leave." pouted Hoseok.

He kissed Jimin's palm and closed the latter's hand into a fist.

"These are your emergency kissies. When you miss daddy, the emergency kissies will keep you safe and warm, okay? Bye, baby boy." said Hoseok.

Jimin giggled. "Bye-bye, daddy."


"He's good to go." said Jisoo.

"Really? Thank you so much, Doctor Jisoo! You've taken such good care of him!" said Hoseok, relieved.

"You're welcome, Mr Jung. He's such an obedient little, he never gave the hospital staff any trouble during his time here! And he's so polite! Are you his caregiver?"

"Yes, Doctor. And I hope you don't mind me asking you, but how did you know about littles?"

"I have a little named Jennie. She can get a little bratty when she's upset, but she's usually as sweet as your little one."

"That's great! And I'm glad you took care of him. Thank you so much, Doctor."

"You're welcome, sir. Go ahead, he's waiting for you to pick him up."

Hoseok immediately rushed into Jimin's ward.

"Minnie!" he said excitedly.

"Daddy!" squealed Jimin, hugging his caregiver.

"Good boy, you're all ready! Let's go, everyone's waiting for us at home."

"Bu' daddy, wiww hyungies be mad dat Minnie eat an' get fat?"

"Baby, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Daddy put the hyungies in time-out yesterday because they were just being meanies."

"Dey say sowwy?"

"They will say sorry once we get back home."


"SURPRISE!" yelled the boys as soon as Hoseok and Jimin opened the door.

"I baked your favourite chocolate cake with extra sprinkles!" said Seokjin.

"I've bought a new set of storybooks so I can read to you before bedtime!" said Namjoon.

"I saw a cute kitten onesie in the store and decided to give it to you!" said Taehyung.

"I got a rainbow sippy cup for you, Minnie!" said Jungkook.

"Look at the pacifier I got for you!" said Yoongi.

"Woah, woah, woah! You got all of this for me?" gasped Jimin, now out of littlespace.

"Yes, baby. We all wanted to say that we're really sorry, Minnie. We messed up terribly. We're a family, and families are supposed to take care of each other and be supportive, not be meanie heads." said Seokjin.

"Do you forgive us, baby?" asked Namjoon.

Jimin nodded and giggled, indicating that he was in littlespace again.

"Daddy's got a gift for you, baby. But you'll have to be big if you want to see it." said Hoseok.

"Okay, hyung." said Jimin, out of littlespace.

Hoseok knelt to the ground and pulled out a diamond ring from his pocket.

"HYUNG, OF COURSE!" yelled Jimin.

Then the pair of them connected their lips together as tears of happiness streamed down their faces.


A/N : And that's the end. Woo-hoo! I hope everyone's happy with this one!

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