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Little : Hoseok
Caregiver Namjoon will arrive later.
Ghost : Yoongi

Sequel to Player [Hopemon ft. Yoongi]. Sad part ahead.

Yoongi aimlessly floated through the walls of his house, a sad look forever plastered upon his face.

His cheeks were wet with tears which never seemed to stop flowing.

He could think of nothing but Hoseok. He could hear a voice which kept on repeating his former boyfriend's name.




Yoongi sobbed harder and harder. He wanted to check on Hoseok and see how he was doing. But he couldn't.

He didn't want Hoseok to be hurt.

Wait a minute, thought Yoongi. I'm a ghost, there's no way he can see me.

He thanked God for letting him roam the realm of the living as a spirit.

Then, he left the house and went to search for Hoseok.


He's so peaceful, thought Yoongi as he stared at Hoseok, who was asleep at the moment.

The younger boy was clearly in littlespace as he was dressed in a comfortable onesie and a pacifier was placed between his lips.

Yoongi caressed Hoseok's cheek with a cold finger.

Suddenly, Hoseok's eyes fluttered open. Tears began to fill his eyes.

Hoseok could see him.

"Oh, baby. Please don't cry. Yoonie hates seeing his baby sad." Yoongi said softly, brushing his fingers through Hoseok's hair.

"Y-y-yoonie! 'Tay away fwom me!" screamed Hoseok.

"Hobi, l-look at me, p-p-p-please," Yoongi sobbed.

"Daddy towd chu to get out!"

"I know what Namjoon said, but please listen to me. At least one last time."

Hoseok did not respond.

"Please, Hobi." begged Yoongi.

Hoseok sighed. "Fine. Bu' afta' chu done, pwease get out."

"Hobi, I know you have every right to be mad at me, but please listen. What I did was beyond horrible. You were everything I ever wanted, but I left you for the wrong person. What I did was unforgivable. I don't think I'll ever be able to make it up to you. I wanted you to be happy, I couldn't bear it, seeing you in pain because of me. That's why I left."

Hoseok slipped out of littlespace and rested a hand on Yoongi's cold ones.

"Hyung, you killed yourself...for me?"

Yoongi nodded.

"Hyung, I may have been upset with you, but why did you think that doing this to yourself would make me happy?" wailed Hoseok.

Yoongi was unable to respond. He just sobbed harder.

"Hyung, I would never wish for you to suffer, even if you hurt me in any way. But what's done is done." said Hoseok.

The two sat together in silence. After a few minutes, Yoongi broke the silence.

"I guess I'm done with telling you everything. I'll leave right now, if that's what you want me to do."

"No, hyung. Stay here for a while."

"Can I...hold your hand, Hobi?"

Hoseok hesitated for a little while before finally offering his hand to Yoongi.

Eventually, Hoseok was resting his head upon Yoongi's lap while the latter stroked the former's head.

"I still love you, Hobi."

"Hobi gwuess...Hobi miss chu." said Hoseok, slipping into littlespace.

He looked up at Yoongi, who seemed to be fading away.

"Yoonie, wha' happenin' wif chu?"

"I'm fading away, Hobi. And I'll be gone forever. For real."

"Yoonie nuh go!" cried the younger boy.

"I'm sorry, baby. Yoonie cannot do anything about it. Before I go, I want you to make me a promise."

"Wha' pwomise?"

"First, don't make the awful mistakes I made when I was alive. Second, please remember that I'll always love you and I'll be watching over you to see if you're alright. Promise?"

"Pwomise." sniffled Hoseok.

Yoongi smiled, a tear rolling down his cheek, before he disappeared.

Just then, the door opened and Namjoon entered the room.

"Baby, why are you crying? What happened?"

"Yoonie came hewe an' say sowwy an' disappea' cuz he ghost. He teww me to keep pwomise."

"Oh...I forgot to tell you about what happened to Yoongi-hyung."

"Hobi know. He kiww himsewf cuz he feew bad fow bein' meanie head."

"Poor Yoongi. I shouldn't have said any awful things to him before his death."

"Yoonie gone now. Foweva'."

"Yes. Forever."


A/N : Sowwy dis stowy bewy weiwd...bu' nex' stowy wiww be unique an' ish something chus neva' seen befowe! *giggles*

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