Sisters Reunited

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I do not own Full Metal Alchemist.

I feel a pair of metal arms catch me. I feel boneless.

"I'm sorry Ms. Armstrong, but she is gone," the soldier says.

I feel the urge to lash out but I feel empty.

"Come on Al and I'll get you put to bed," the voice says.

"I'm sorry, you are," the soldier asks.

"Edward Elric," Ed says after Al scoops me up and carries me down the hall.

I must still be in shock because I feel my body get covered before falling asleep. When I wake up I realize I'm in my sleeping gown.

"I'm sorry, dear," a voice says and I look up.

A regal looking blonde woman in a beautiful dress with her hair perfectly in place is sitting in the chair. I shudder as the events of yesterday rush back. I feel the same arms that held me as a small child. Then I feel a larger pair of arms wrap around us both.

"Worry not little bell," the deep voice calls out.

The arms squeeze me as I sag. I choke up and silent tears flow down my cheeks.

"Thank you Alex but where is father," I ask in my small voice.

"Your father is dealing with the authorities," my adopted mother says as Alex releases us.

She strokes my hair.

"I.i.its my fault," I choke out. "If I hadn't become so lost in my work I'd have gone with her."

"No, because that was Marie's assignment to keep you safe," mother says.

"Wait, assignment," I manage to get out.

"Yes, dear Marie was your bodyguard and maid sister," Alex says patting my shoulder. "She will be buried with full military honors."

I feel dumbstruck. Marie Elkis was a soldier and was a bodyguard assigned to protect me.

"But she was my best friend. At least I thought she was," I say looking down.

"Yes my dear, she was. In fact, it is precisely that reason she was assigned to you for her post. Hehe, you wouldn't believe the people she beat to keep them away," mother says.

I collapse and pull my knees to my chest.

"So you and the military know about my gifts," I state looking at Alex with my best imitation of our big sister.

He at least has the peace of mind to flinch.

"Y.yes. But it is a secret keep to only a few," Alex gets out.

"Does Colonel Mustang know," I ask.

"Yes dear of course he does. After all he was there when we brought you home and is your godfather," the elder Armstrong male says walking in with my other sister. "Sadly Crystal dear you will have to assume your role as a State Alchemist or at least accept a small protective detail."

I blink again. "Wait, what? I never took the exam."

"Well it's a simple matter, but it's hardly needed since you are an Armstrong your commission has been in the works for years," mother says.

"Wait, so, I'm suddenly expected to serve in the military," I sag into the pillows.

"No, you are a researcher and as long as you keep your automail research then you are fine. Besides you can take most of the frontline yourself," Alex says.

I blink, "Umm exactly how long have I been asleep?"

"Hmm I'd say about 36 hours," Ed says walking in.

I blink as I see a blonde that I could swear I know. My breath catches and I know my jaw drops.

"Umm hi," she says looking in.

"Winrey Rockbell may I introduce Crystal Armstrong," Ed says leading her into the room.

"You look just like momma," Winrey says holding her hand to her mouth.

I feel my adopted mother wrap one arm around me and open her other arm.

"And Crystal dear I want to introduce you to your birth sister Winrey Rockbell," my mother says.

I blink and look at my family shocked. 

"Wait, what happened while I was out," I manage to get out.

"Well while you were out these two valiant men started tracking down the man who killed poor Marie," father says.

"Yeah but we were just too late to keep him from taking Marie. I'm sorry," Al says.

"It's not your fault Alphonse, Edward," I say. "Turns out she was a trained soldier. She could handle herself."

"Yes we found out he was drugging them and chopping them up while dressed as a woman from a refrigerator truck," Alex says.

"What?" I manage to get out.

I mean I knew about Barry the Butcher, I had reviewed all the information since I awoke. It was still a shock.

"Really though, those automail pieces in your workshop are incredible," Winrey says sitting next to me.

"Heh well Ed's arm and leg are wonderful. I have to ask if you took into account the alchemic shifts," I say and lean in. "In fact I have been working on a new system for automail integration."

I reach into my bedside table and pull out my notebook. I smile as I open it and show it to her.

"Wow, Crystal these are beautiful," Winrey says.

I smile and draw a line along curve.

"I bent a bit to the Armstrong sensibility for the style," I say as I flip pages. "I have to admit most of the men's pieces are based on Alex's musculature. Meanwhile, the women's are based on mine or my big sister's."

"Wow, what about this one," she asks.

The hours drift by as Winrey and I go over sketches. I tap an alchemic circle on my table at one point and get a pencil. By the time we are done we have drawn up a few new limbs and improvements for Ed's arms and legs. We probably would have kept up if our stomachs hadn't growled.

We both blink at each other and giggle.

"Well it's definitely officially you two are sisters," Ed says looking in.

"Well I got that when you mistook me for her," I say.

"I don't know the wrench in the wall inches from your head was the proof for me," Al says walking in with a tray of food.

"I'm still sorry about that. I want to thank you two for capturing Marie's killer," I say looking at them.

"Listen, tomorrow will you meet me in my workshop. I guess my other big sis and I have some ideas to improve your arm and leg. I need to help patch you up after the damage that maniac caused you," I say as I eat.

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