Once Upon A Rebirth

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Dark Rebirth story for once upon a time

(For this to work the first part of the story gets changed a little bit to the heroine getting lost and coming across her former brother)

I'm dying.  I'm dying in the backwoods of Maine. I was gunned down by a brother I hadn't seen since I got kicked out at 17. As I bled out from the bullet wounds in my body I almost wish the bullet to my head actually finished me.

Suddenly purple mist starts swirling. I guess this is where it ends. I blink slowly and when I open my eyes I am right in front of a hospital. I fully pass out.

"Hey there you took quite the spill," a blonde man says with a warm smile but I still feel creepy.

"So you on your way to work Tabitha? That's quite the pretty outfit," he says looking me over.

I don't know why but I suppress a shudder. I blink from my usual hospital bed to the point that some nurses just call it Tabitha's cat bed. I blink confused as to why though. Dr. Will has been my doctor for as long as I can remember. He pats my hand and smiles.

"Well don't worry I'll get Sherrif Graham to take you home. I'm also going to write you a prescription for some iron supplements. You know it's not right for a young girl especially, one with your umm condition," he says looking at my crotch.

"You know me the town freak," I say in my selfdeprecating way.

"You are special, don't let anyone tell you different. Ahh here is Nurse Clara, she'll help you get dressed and I'll see you in a week," he says putting down my chart.

A sharp looking woman steps in, she is rather short and despite her short square frame there is no softness in her.  Her old old eyes give me a barely held sneer. She throws me an ugly dress. I shudder and pull the hospital blanket up.

"Oh drop it, I don't care about whatever you have down there just get dressed and go. You filthy thing couldn't even use a pad or something," she almost snarls.

"Umm what about my old clothes," I ask.

"You made a mess of them when you fell. Now put that on and get. We need the bed for real people," she says before storming away.

I get dressed not really surprised but still angry at the treatment. I mean it's the story of my life only a handful of people in this town haven't hated me for being born. Even the nuns barely accepted me.  I sit on a bench waiting for the Sheriff. The lean man in a leather jacket, beard and mustache walks up with a wheelchair.

"Well m'lady here you go, your chariot awaits,"Graham says.

I groan and hide a smile as I look up at the closest thing I have to a big brother. I grumble as he helps me into the chair.

"You know I can walk," I say.

"Yes technically, but Dr. Will told me to make sure you take it easy," he says as he pushes me past his car.

"What?! You are not going to push me home in this wheelchair," I pout.

"No, I'm pushing you to Granny's and then home," he says.

Going down the street Graham gets smiles. I either get pitying looks, disdainful looks or people just look over me. Eh it's the story of my life. Yet a part of my brain is telling a different story. It is telling me a different story of being gay and running away. I'm not some hermaphroditic orphan. I was a former runaway with an Associate degree in accounting.

Then the bell rings on the diner door and I see one of my only other friends, Ruby. The raven haired woman with scarlet lips has been my crush/best female friend forever. She leans down and gives me a hug as her grandmother raises an eyebrow at me.

"Mother Superior said she will see you at home later," Granny says.

I hang my head and nod. Then as I get settled at a table she slides me a BLT. I look up shocked. I mean Granny normally looks right through me but at least she doesn't chase me off. I guess it's the fact that I can at least hold down a job.

"Just eat it, Archie was in here panicking," she says.

"Right, just tell him it's just anemia. I'll be right as rain in a day or two according to Dr. Will," I say as I dig in.

"Yeah it's not like you're the town klutz or something," a rather swarthy fisherman named Leroy responds.

"Better a sweet klutz than a mean drunk Leroy," I respond in a singsong way.

"Whatever brat," he responds and smirks at me.

Even with my anemia I quickly settle into my normal life. It's pretty nice working as Archie's secretary. Even while dodging creeps like Dr. Will and a few of the fishermen it's not too bad. Every 22nd of the month almost like clockwork I take a spill on my bike by the hospital, get a "walk of shame" home from Graham, get a BLT from Granny, exchange the barbs with Leroy, and get a lecture from Mother Superior. The rest time it's work, riding my bike and trying to keep my accidents on the smaller side.

For the next few years nothing changes really. It's nice, almost. Then madame Mayor adopts a little boy and I find myself roped into babysitting. It feels normal when Henry celebrates birthdays. Ruby and I take turns watching him for Mayor Mills. She is practically supermom if a bit strict, but hey I was raised by nuns. I would watch him before his sessions with Archie. When he started asking about my parents I'd just tell him what I always did. They abandoned me with the nuns when I was a kid and he's lucky to have a mom like the Mayor.

Then one October 23, I walk out of my apartment to get my prescription to see a little yellow bug parked outside Granny's.

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