The Olympian

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I do not own Percy Jackson he and all the rest of his literary crew is owned by Rick Riordan. I am a fan and only own the characters I make up namely Cassandra.

I don't have a problem with any of the original characters I'm just throwing my own twist on things. I admit to not being the most knowledgeable about the series.

Ok so fair warning the opening is really Dark. I mean bad but the story gets better. This is in the realm of reborn into another world scenario.

Heh so this is how it ends? I thought looking up at the eyes. I look up at the eyes of my little brother the eyes of my baby brother I loved and cared for when I was little. As I think I grew up and failed to fit the mold enough for them or their role they wanted.

When I woke up that day and I was in a great mood and was going to be a great day. I take my hormones, shower and pick out a cute outfit. It was the first day of my new job. I finally had a chance to prove what I can do. Another car speeds along and cars pass that looked a lot like my own and I then pass a police cruiser. it's lights turn on my heart sinks excellent time for you to work by being trans and Alabama every police officer was the source of anxiety.

I reach in to my glove box and pull out my registration. I mentally prepare for the coming question when I see my drivers license and then look at me. I swallow and pray that it's not somebody from my past. As the officer is walking up, he removes the hat and sunglasses and I do a double take and see it's my baby brother I'm stunned as I look in his face. I say his name and he gives me the angriest look I have ever received from anybody anybody in my entire life.

"Get out freak!" the officer says.

As I start getting out I get pistol whipped. My vision swims and I start to fall toward him. It's almost like he wanted me to fall towards him. I look at his face as he yells at me. As he kicks me I hear stuff like.

"Freak!, Useless fag! Should have accepted your role! You broke her heart! You stole that life! That car is my brother's not some He—she!" He yells at me.

As he pulls out his gun he unloads his clip. I feel my crotch get the first. "There you don't need it anyway," he laughs before putting a bullet in my head.

I know I'm going to die and for some reason I can't help but feel like
I failed him. Then I'm in a white world.

I start walking and I notice clouds rising around me. I stop when I see a group of people I had seen in my dreams since I was little. I instantly know where I am.

"Well look who finally made it home," Hades taunts.

I roll my eyes but he leans in. "Well not quite back yet. Ok who wants to make the claim this time?"

I hear them talking.

"Why can't I claim myself? It's not like I'm Zeus. I'll be a HalfBlood. It's not like people don't know about my tendencies. I'll kick it around Earth for a bit build a name for myself and then ascend," I chime in.

This gets a round of rolled eyes, "Not going to happen again, twin."

I smile at Artemis, "Can't blame me for trying."

"Fine, I'll take you this time. But you'll be under Uncle's gaze too," Artemis says as she hugs me.

I hear a sigh, "Well I was going to offer Anabeth a little sister, then again a sister-in-law won't be terrible."

I smile with a bit of my knowledge, "What if I am the one to win her heart?"

This gets a raised eyebrow from Athena and a laugh from Zeus. I don't realize that at that point I split from myself. Although my memories remain I am no longer, and never will be again Apollo of Olympus.

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