A Marvel Rebirth Take 2

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I do not own Marvel I do not own Iron Man, SHIELD, Spider-Man or any established characters. I do introduce a number of my own characters mostly Leah Itsuka Li and her family.

Unlike other Dark Rebirths I am starting myself as a bit older and anything I add regards to my past will be told via flashback.

Ok so fair warning the opening is really dark. I mean bad but the story gets better. This is in the realm of reborn into another world scenario.

Heh so this is how it ends? I thought looking up at the eyes. I look up at the eyes of my little brother the eyes of my baby brother I loved and cared for when I was little. As I think I grew up and failed to fit the mold enough for them or their role they wanted.


When I woke up that day and I was in a great mood and was going to be a great day. I take my hormones, shower and pick out a cute outfit. It was the first day of my new job. I finally had a chance to prove what I can do. Another car speeds along and cars pass that looked a lot like my own and I then pass a police cruiser.  It's lights turn on my heart sinks excellent time for you to work by being trans and Alabama every police officer was the source of anxiety.

I reach in to my glove box and pull out my registration. I mentally prepare for the coming question when I see my drivers license and then look at me. I swallow and pray that it's not somebody from my past. As the officer is walking up, he removes the hat and sunglasses and I do a double take and see it's my baby brother I'm stunned as I look in his face. I say his name and he gives me the angriest look I have ever received from anybody anybody in my entire life.

"Get out freak!" the officer says.

As I start getting out I get pistol whipped. My vision swims and I start to fall toward him. It's almost like he wanted me to fall towards him. I look at his face as he yells at me. As he kicks me I hear stuff like.

"Freak!, Useless fag! Should have accepted your role! You broke her heart!," he yells.

As he pulls out his gun he unloads his clip. I feel my crotch get the first. "There you don't need it anyway," he laughs before putting a bullet in my head.

I know I'm going to die and for some reason I can't help but feel like...

I failed him.  Then I'm in a white world.    

I'm floating in a void then I find myself slammed up against someone.

I'm hearing voices and slamming. I feel around and feel armor. I start grasping as my eyes refuse to work.

"Hey, hey hands off miss," I hear a voice.

My eyes start to work and see a spider pattern. "Peter? You're Spiderman?" I say blinking.

As we float recognition starts to dawn on his face. "I'm not Spiderman. I mean I'm not Peter Parker. Wait! I know that voice! Leah Li?" He stutters

"Peter Benjamin Parker, I know you are the  local neighborhood Spiderman I'm just disoriented," I say staring him down with my best big sister look.

"Man, how can you pull that off when I can't even see your face?" He complains. "Wait, you're wearing a costume. Do you have powers? Is that how you always manage to sneak up on me?"

I look at myself and see I'm wearing my second version suit. It's a gray full bodysuit with a custom flak jacket that I know is covered with runes and I feel Jiray (pronounced Jeer- AI), the coin and a few other artifacts, as well as my basic tools are on me. "Ok that means I'm close to 20, explains how I know so much and means I don't have to completely relive things." I think to myself and then everything floods my brain.

We are both kind of freaking out. "Ok Peter, I'll tell you the truth. Yes I have powers. I've had them since I was little. They are like a flow of energy that constantly surround me disrupting or even canceling out the mental energy around me. Over the years with my grandfather taught me martial arts and then grandmother taught me some mystic stuff. Thanks to them I learned to control and focus the flow through items. Depending on the item I can do something like this.," I hold up my hand and direct my flow through a piece of metal that got embedded in my left wrist. A bow of energy appears. Then I switch and let the now silent Jiray have some power. The change in my suit is instant to a deep red brown, gold lines of energy flow across my body in the lines of my armor plates and a second sash unwraps. The resulting spiderlike claws float beside me before I cut the flow and return to normal.

"This suit also helps act as a limiter, To keep my powers contained and focused. I have been operating in the shadows for a bit. Largely because I operate in more of the mystical stuff. I got activated again after Ironman and Dr. Strange threw down with a couple of Thanos's men. Then I wasn't there," I say.

"Yeah but how are you all the way out here," he asks.

I fluster and then smile. "Well get this I was reborn into another world as a boy.  The  my soul remembered and my body started to change around puberty. I got disowned because I came out but got adopted. When I got to the same age as I am now I got stopped by a cop who was my birth brother who killed me. Must be something with the shift of the Multiverse that kicked me out here as Reed Richards might say. Or it could have been the mystical artifacts I was working with," I tell him.

"Woah, you're saying you lived a whole other life since you disappeared? And you were born as a guy?," Peter asks. "Which do you prefer? I mean I guess the fact that you started to transition being a girl. It's messed up your own birth brother killed you for a traffic stop."

"Well I prefer the snap versus being shot in the head and crotch," I say. "It was weird though. I was kind of a normal kid which was a break from the constant martial arts training my Oto put me through. Yet I prefer being able to help people," I finish as I spin.

"Well don't worry I bet Mr. Stark will fix everything," Peter says.

"Heh if you say so Pete," I say.

The next moment Peter Parker finds himself falling through the air. Reflexes kick in as he lands with a flip.

"Ahh Spiderboy, there you are," Dr. Steven Strange says floating up.

"Dr. you wouldn't believe what happened Mr. Stark was holding me and then I was drifting. Then I bumped into this girl from my earth. She said she knew you. Her name is Leah Li but she was in this weird armor and she says she has powers," Peter says in a rush.

"Hello Master Strange," a black hair says walking up in steel gray body armor.

"Ahh it's you. Feedback, right," Dr. Strange says. "How did you get out here?"

"You can just call me Leah, sir. It was ahh a mystical artifact I was trying to purify activated while I was trying to reel you back in. I guess the confluence and resonance homed in on you," she says.

"Ahh and you forgot to ground properly, again," a bald man says stepping through a shining ring of mystical energy.

The girl smirks and giggles. Pulling her hood back up, she pulls out a ring from inside. Slipping it on her finger she smiles.

"Well Master Won can I help get the troops together," she says making a portal herself.

"Yes, thank you. So good to see someone respects their elders," Won says casting a look at Dr. Strange and Peter.

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