A burning Shadow Part 2

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I do not own Naruto. This is just a fun writing. I hope you enjoy.


Michiru POV

It was 2 years later and I was 4. One night our 'caretaker' got drunk and when Naruto got hungry and started to cry she kicked us out of the small apartment that was for us. As I carried him with Idiane watching above I tried to get to the Inazuka or Naara compound since they were the closest. The Naara and Inazuka clans may not like us that much but it was easier to give us a bit of food or medicine. Sadly my sense of direction wasn't the best and the worst cowards attack children.

The attack was brutal. I want to say it was fast but it also seemed to last forever. If it wasn't for Kakashi coming late from a mission I don't want to think of the damage. We had spent more than a week in the hospital and that was with the boost of healing Naruto got from the Kyuubi and I got from Idiane. The hospital staff hated us too. In fact I think at least one of them were among our attackers. If not for Idiane watching over when I slept we might have gotten dosed.

"I swear I don't know how she keeps that summon going so much," I heard one day.

"She must be a demon like the boy," another voice says.

I grab my pillow as Idiane settles by my bed.

"Idiafu," I whisper.

"Yes Michiru," the owl says.

"Are Naruto and i demons," I ask.

"Hehe no, you aren't. I know we have talked about this," she says as we enter my mindscape.

She looks down at me as her Great owl form. She lifts me up to ride on her 'shoulder'. I laugh and hug her.

"You are my contractor but since I only need a little chakra to actually appear in the small form. So you don't use much chakra. You have a greater pool since your mother gave you all that she had when she died. You also share my chakra pool to a level, as a result of your mother sealing me within you with the scroll. Whenever you are near death I will give you whatever chakra need.

'As for Naruto he is the Jinchurikki, a Sacred host to the Kyuubi. His parents, your aunt and uncle, made a seal to not only keep the chakra contained but to guide the excess energy into his body to heal. From my understanding he was the only choice and I hope that one day he will come to an understanding with it."

As I feel we are about to return to the waking world a thought occurs to me.

"Could we help? I get that he is my cousin but we are both Uzamakis," I ask.

She gives me a look that twinkles.

"I will see what we can do but for now I think you have a visitor," she says.

I come to to see Kakashi Hatake standing in the doorway.

"Hey, you kids alright," he says walking up.

He had popped in and introduced himself to us a after we woke up.

"Hi Kakashi-niichan," I greet and he smirks.

"Well it turns out the landlady had an accident and burned down your building. The good news is everyone is safe and we were able to save your things since she had kindly boxed them up and put them outside for you. The bad news is that all of her stuff was destroyed and will have to pay you two back for all of the damages because it turns out the building was an Uzamaki clan building that had been leased to her," he says with a smile.

It wasn't the first time we had gotten beaten and sadly wouldn't be the last. Yet it was the one that got us a designated safe place.

Afterwards we were taken into the Anbu barracks, until I became old enough to claim the full properties. They loved Idiane, Naruto and me. As the years passed they started instructing me on how to control my chakra. Of course I passed this onto Naruto. They also started teaching us all the things we'd need to live in the village.


It's been 4 years and I am laying in wait. I hear a giggle and shush my little brother with a kick. As our target enters the room we stay still. The tall and imposing man would scare anyone based on looks alone with scars covering his head and face. I watch as he stops and sidesteps a certain spot in the floor.

As he does so the actual trap activates and glue seeps out of the floor. It sets within seconds and we attack. Swinging our kunai down in unison I'm going high and him low, I know our attack worked.

The puff of smoke and expected reappearance of the man is the only warning we get. We find ourselves caught in a fierce bear hug.

"What do you two think you are doing," he growls.

We smile and look back at him with our best and cutest smiles.

"Practicing the lesson from Kurenai-neechan," I say.

His expression softens instantly before he smiles. Then our features start to melt.

"And this is from Kakashi-niichan. Mudbaby Jutsu," I say before the clones explode covering the room in mud.

As we pop from our hiding spot we set off running.

"Come back here and clean this up you little monsters," he yells.

As we run off we jump and dodge. By this point I have grown a bit and so has Naruto. My orange hair has only barely been cut to keep it healthy. I wear a pair of shorts under a blue ninja dress. Naruto is wearing a pale yellow jumpsuit that looks like sand.

You might be wondering how two orphans like us wound up calling Anbu specialists brother and sister. This is on top of pranking ranked ninjas.

Well after the incident we were assigned a basic caregiver on top of Idiane to as much make sure we didn't accidentally set anything on fire. However they hated us, both of us. Those that knew about Naruto's role was hated him for it and me because being his 'big sister' must have had a hand in it. This was partly because what 2 year old had a Chakra spike much less could summon a talking owl.

Officially I was still learning in school admittedly at a higher level since I was called a prankster prodigy. Unofficially I had already passed a lot of the requirements to be a Genin. They would give me challenges and techniques to try and pull off, hence the Mudbaby.

Then we are grabbed by our collars.

"Not too bad you two," a large man with a cigarette sticking out of his mouth says.

"Tch, hi Uncle Asuma," i say looking back.

"Hehe hi Asuma-jiji," Naruto says.

I close my eyes as I get let go and Naruto gets punched in the head.

"For crying out you two," Iruka-sensie says as he come up to us.

"Michiru, you are supposed to be the older one. You're supposed to be a good example for Naruto not making a mess," he yells.

"Hey, we stopped pranking random people. This was a duo lesson from Kurenai and Kakashi," I pout. "We went after Ibiki-niichan because he was the challenge."

"He did say that if she could catch him she could officially take the Genin exam," Kurenai said with a smile as she appears.

As she ruffles my hair she hands me a vest.

"You still have to clean up the mess but you take the test tomorrow," Kakashi smiles.

I jump up excitedly. I knew I was younger than most students who enter the academy but they didn't have to deal with attacks from adults. The fox hunts the first few years were bad. After Kakashi saved us the last time and moved us into the Anbu barracks I dedicated my life to training. Thanks to Idiafu not needing to keep watch all the time she was able to train me and return at times to her own family.

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