A Reaper's Name

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I do not own Bleach.

3rd person POV.

The street is chaotic. A local thug and his crony had just chased a red head teen. Then while trying to pull her she had shown spiritual power. He threatened her with a cleaver before she attacked him with her own hand. It was a sad thing but most people turned away.

The truly shocking thing was when the girl nearly sliced his arm off with her bare hand. When the 5th seat from Squad 5 showed the girl was caught.

"Damnit, first she gets pulled through the gate and then I had to track her down by her wavelength," he says carrying her. "I find her just as she nearly takes a ruffian's arm off with her bare hand. Who can I take her to? Kurotsuchi would love to get his hands her. Kuchiki might be interested given what she did. Aizen would definitely be interested in the spells she did and so would Ukitake. Zaraki would probably want to fight her. I guess Unohana would be the best choice, besides the girl did pull off healing.

"Still I seem to remember her being older and her hair being almost black," the shinigami says to himself.

Arriving in the inner Seireitei he makes his way to the 4th Squad Barracks.

"Captain Unohana," the man says nearly colliding with her.

"Joishiro, what are you doing here," the woman says. "Who is she?"

"Uhh, well I never actually got her name. The thing is I separated from the party to Earth. She was dying when a Hollow attacked," he starts.

"Well that's terrible but why did you bring her here," the Vice-Captain, Isane Kotetsu, says.

"The thing is she actually helped me defeat it using some strange powers. Yet she's no Quincy because her final spell purified the Hollow," he said.

"Wha?! Are you sure it wasn't your imagination," Captain Unohana asks.

"Captain I swear on my Zanpakuto that I saw her purify it when it's mask broke to show a child's face," he says holding out his sword.

"Ok, but why is she passed out?" Isane asks.

"I watched her channel her spiritual power through her bare hand and take down a thug in South Rukon," he says as he holds her.

"What? She looks like a teen, she can't have done something like that after just arriving," Isane says.

"That's another thing she looked older in the mortal world and her hair was black," Joishiro says.

"Hmm she is a unique case then," Unohana says. "Hmm that hair reminds me of Rongiku from 10th Squad. Well if she used spiritual power she has potential. Let's get her in and check her out."

Captain Unohana takes the girl and turns. They head in to the barracks before Isane looks at Joishiro.

"We can take things from here. Don't you need to report to Captain Aizen," Isane says.

"Oh, uh, right," Joishiro looks at the girl before turning.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will be hearing from her when she comes to," Isane says with a small smile.

The man puffs his chest out before leaving. Laying her on a table, they get to work examining her. Underneath her red hair they find a discoloring.

"Hmm so that's how she died," Isane says noting it. "Aside from that she doesn't seem that unusual just exhausted."

"Well if she did what Joishiro says then it would be expected. Her change in appearance is curious though," Unohana says touching her cheek.

The girl turns her head and weakly nuzzles the hand. The Captain smiles and sighs, her hand glowing with energy. Isane watches the exchange.

"I could check if she has any family if you want Captain," Isane says.

"No need, her wavelength is unlike Rongiku's. Maybe," Captain Unohana trails off.

"I'll get the paperwork, any idea about her name," Isane says.

"I have an idea but let's see what she wants before we fill anything out," Captain Unohana says before turning around and leaving.

A few hours later the girl starts to stir.

"Sylph? Undine? Gnome? Umbra? Afrit? Senju," she calls out as her eyes blink slowly.

There is a running of feet and a small teen runs in. She looks around and shakes her head.

"Umm I don't know who you are calling Miss, but there is no one here named those things. There might be a Senju in another squad. If you want I can check," the guy asks.

His small frame and meek attitude puts her at ease. She lays back down.

"N,no I'm fine. Umm where am I? Who are you? For that matter who am I," she asks.

"Well this is the Squad 4 barracks, more precisely Captain Unohana's office. I'm Hanatoro and as for who you are I don't know," the boy named Hanatoro says. "It looks like you are a new arrival. What do you remember about yourself?"

"I, Uh remember everything, my family, my life before and even my death but my name is a blank. All I get is Steel and 'iki'," she says shaking her head. "Then I met a guy wearing clothes like you and he mentioned conso, a Hollow. After that a monster with a masked face appeared. The guy tried to fight it but he had trouble and I remember asking the elementals to help.

"I wound up borrowing some of their power to cast spells like a cage of wood, some stone swords and a wave of water. Then the Hollow's mask broke and I saw a kid's face. Next thing I know I'm in the forest.

"I walked into town and this thug and his friend tried to take me. I remember my hand glowing and I tried to break his grip on me by hitting his shoulder," she says looking around. "Then I woke up here."

"Thank you Hanatoro, I'll take things from here," Captain Unohana says stepping out of the shadows.

"Umm yes Captain," Hanatoro says bowing.

"Bye Hanatoro," the girl calls out.

"Well my little Haganeko, I am happy to see you up and awake so quickly," Unohana says with a warm smile.

"Haganeko," the girl asks tilting her head to the side.

"Well you remember Steel, 'iki' and your hair seems to fluff out to look like cat ears," Unohana says with a smile.

Well what do you think of the name? What Squad do you think she should eventually join?

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