A dark rebirth 4 sky daughter of the sun

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I do not own Hitman Tutor Reborn! Nor do I own any other referenced anime or mangas. This is a for fun and therapeutic story.

Ok so fair warning the opening is really dark. I mean bad, as in I die, but the story gets better. This is in the realm of reborn into another world scenario. There is Anti-LGBT language but it is short lived.

Heh so this is how it ends? I thought looking up at the eyes. I look up at the eyes of my little brother the eyes of my baby brother I loved and cared for when I was little. As I think I grew up and failed to fit the mold enough for them or their role they wanted.

When I woke up that day and I was in a great mood and was going to be a great day. I take my hormones, shower and pick out a cute outfit. It was the first day of my new job. I finally had a chance to prove what I can do. Another car speeds along and cars pass that looked a lot like my own and I then pass a police cruiser.  it's lights turn on my heart sinks excellent time for you to work by being trans and Alabama every police officer was the source of anxiety.

I reach in to my glove box and pull out my registration. I mentally prepare for the coming question when I see my drivers license and then look at me. I swallow and pray that it's not somebody from my past. As the officer is walking up, he removes the hat and sunglasses and I do a double take and see it's my baby brother I'm stunned as I look in his face. I say his name and he gives me the angriest look I have ever received from anybody anybody in my entire life.

"Get out freak!" the officer says.

As I start getting out I get pistol whipped. My vision swims and I start to fall toward him. It's almost like he wanted me to fall towards him. I look at his face as he yells at me. As he kicks me I hear stuff like.

"Freak!, Useless fag! Should have accepted your role! You broke her heart! You stole that life! That car is my brother's not some He—she!" He yells at me.

As he pulls out his gun he unloads his clip. I feel my crotch get the first. "There you don't need it anyway," he laughs before putting a bullet in my head.

I know I'm going to die and for some reason I can't help but feel like I failed him.  Then I'm in a white world.

I start walking and find myself in a Concrete hallway. I come to a big room. A woman is standing there with Raven hair. Dressed in a tailored black suit an orange pacifier is hanging around my neck. I know that pacifier.

She sees me and I can see tears in her eyes.  "Oh my, your end was terrible. I'm so sorry dear. I had to step in and send Vindice to deal with others. I'm going to ask a favor of you. My dear Renalto has lost so much. So I'm going to give you both something you deserve," she say kissing my forehead.

"I'll let you keep your memories to help you find him sooner. Remember we are the Sky because we are full of possibilities. Goodbye piccolo cielo," she says as I feel myself falling.

The next thing I remember is hearing a mix of Italian and Japanese.

I look up to see Iemetsu Sawada.  "Reborn-san she is perfect.  Don't worry Nana and I will keep her safe until you pick her up. After all she will make a great big sister to our little one," I hear him say.

"Just keep her safe Imetsu, I have to find the bastards that killed my wife," I hear a deep voice that I don't recognize from the anime but matches with what I imagine with precursed voice of Reborn sounded like. I feel a hand brush my head gently and I open my eyes.

I start crying reaching towards the voice. I struggle and feel a flame ignite.

"Huh, that's a Sky Flame!" Imetsu says.

I sense the man I think is Reborn stop before I hear footsteps walking away.

"Wait, what is her name?," Imetsu calls out.

"Celina," Reborn calls out as he walked away.

I start crying harder as Imetsu rocks and bounces me.


I grew up in the Sewada household. My name was Celina Sewada to the public but I knew the truth.  Imetsu always would joke when I was little when I asked.

"What? Don't I look like your papa?" He would say and pull a funny face.

I'd laugh due to being little but eventually I decided to respond in Italian.

"My father is Reborn-san isn't he?"

Needless to say Imetsu's reaction changed. "So I guess you really are his daughter to your core. I suspect you remember every word that you see or hear?"

I blush and hung my head. "Yes even when I wish I couldn't."

Imetsu sighed and pulled me into his lap. "Ok I will be honest. Your papa is out hunting the people who took your momma from you. He left you here with us to keep you safe. When the time is right he will come back for you. So until then we want you to keep being the great big sister to Tsuna Nana and I know you can be." He said ruffling my black hair.

I looked at him and held up my fingers like a gun. "You never have to worry about that. Tsuna is my picolo cielo. I will keep an eyes on them." He stopped and smiled at me.

"Well I guess we can arrange some father-daughter time if you want to come do some training. If you have half of either of your parents skills, I will need plenty of ammunition and feel safer training you," Imetsu says.

That was the beginning of my training. Every time 'Papa' would come home for a visit we would spend our "father-daughter time training. Fire arms were the beginning but as I got older we progressed to other tools. Eventually we found my signature weapon, a collapsible polearm.

Now normally I did my best to act as Tsuna's only slightly more put together older sister. I could breeze through class when I wanted or needed to but I would always help with Tsuna's homework. Nana was a great mom and relied on me to help wake Tsuna.

I instantly made friends with Yamamoto Takashi and Sasagawa Ryohei and his sister. Hibari Kyoya regarded me as somewhere between a cute thing and herbivore until I tried to step in when Tsuna had gotten cornered by some bullies. I mean I knew the bullies would eventually try something so I tried to use it as a way to check Tsuna's reactions.

Hibari smiled and jumped in as I was about to be hit. He called me a kitten.

Yet I admit I didn't do too much. I wanted my papa, my real papa to return and the best way to do that is to let Tsuna develop naturally.

Below are notes for what I will do for Celina's Guardians

Celina's Guardians chosen by Reborn

Kazuko Kuzanagi: Female based on Rock Lee from Naruto: Sun

Leonardo Ryusei: Leo from Yugioh 5Ds High energy read to play games- game nut hates/loves kazuko: lightning

Ren Yokami: Female based on Coco from Toriko: cool calm planning studied sword from grandfather: Rain

Shingo Karasu: mix of Yusuke from Yuyu Hakusho and Ichigo from Air Gear: sees self as her knight but still arrogant: Storm

Maka Miasaki: female mix of yami bakura from Yugioh and Ino from Naruto: creepy but sees Celina as her doll : Mist

Issaac Bierron: mix of Mystogan from Fairy Tail and Ace D. Portugas from One piece: wandering protective brother type: Cloud

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