Washed up

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I do not own Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Clayface or any other DC characters.

Pain, lots of it. That is what she remembered. A girl washed up on the shore of Gotham Harbor in a certain cove. Her clothes in tatters, sludge and an odd foam cover her body.

"Uh, Pam I think that storm did more than derail our date last night," a pale faced girl with a scarf wrapped around her head said.

A woman with red hair in a long green coat and pants kneels down to examine the girl.  Pulling out a green scarf she wides her face. She starts to check the girl's vitals.

"Get the car, it seems we have to cut the picnic short," the redhead says.

"Yeah, of course," the other woman runs off.

"Come on kid just hold on. We'll get you patched up," she says looking the unconscious form for any form of identification.

Pulling large leaves out she tries to wipe the body off.  An old style roadster with green and blue paint bursts through the brush.  Spreading out the picnic blanket the redhead snaps her fingers and vines wrap around the girl securing her to the seat. Oddly the body starts to relax. 

Soon they are back on the road. Cruising down the highway the scarf flies away revealing red and blue hair.

"Awe damn, I liked that scarf," Harley Quinn says looking after it.

"Harley focus. We got to get this girl home," Poison Ivy says.

"Home? We ain't dropping her at da hospital," Harley asks.

"If she was washed up from that storm and if that gunk she was covered in is what I think it is she doesn't have time," Ivy says looking back at the sweating girl.

The girl starts to fight against the bonds as she convulses.


"On it, time to blow through some speed traps. Hahaha," Harley says laughing.

Twenty minutes later they are pulling up to a greenhouse. A spray of gravel hits the panes and a large plant comes hopping out with a man that looks like a kindergartner's art project.

"Harley, Ivy, what's up? You love birds get busted already," the plant asks.

"Not quite. Prep the lab we got an innocent," Ivy says.

Clayface bends down to pick up the girl and a scream distends his head. She keeps screaming with sightless eyes. He backs up and Ivy reaches down. The girl instantly calms down and seems to snuggle under the vines.

"Sorry, probably a texture thing," Harley says patting her amorphous friend.

"No, no it's cool," Clayface says as he flexes his hands.

The resulting hands and arms look a lot like Ivy's but bigger.  Gently lifting the girl he carries her in. Soon they have her hooked up to a variety of machines and tubes. Her blood is taken and once stabilized Ivy and Harley both start running tests.

As the girl sleeps Harley turns her head at a file.

"Ivy....come over here and look at this," Harley says "These chloropeptide chains look familiar?"

Ivy walks over with a cup of tea and hangs the cup in front of her face. Harley tilts her head back and accepts the cup and a kiss. Ivy looks at the screen and then over at the form noticing a bright green tinge to her hair.

"Harls remember that tanker that was supposed to be getting in tonight," Ivy asks.

"You don't think she knows something about it's disappearing act," Harley says looking back as she flips out of the chair.

The girl jerks up screaming. Her hair grows rapidly and goes from green at the scalp to brown like tree bark. Harley and Ivy spin to look at the girl with wide eyes that change to look like daisies. The girls skin pales to look like a vibrant pink rose. 

"Well red looks like you were right about her being affected by that boat load of illegal fertilizers and chemicals," Harley says watching as the girl falls back.

"Yes but how, plant like attributes aside its hard to say what other things she will develop," Ivy says checking her vitals.

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