A Sun's Daughter

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I do not own KHR.


Celina POV

I was walking home from school and I saw an odd caterpillar hanging from a tree. I smiled and stood beneath it. I pulled out a chocolate bar and as I waited for Tsuna I ate it.

"I wonder where my no good little brother is," I muse.

I shield my eyes and then look up into the tree. "Can you see my little brother Mr. Caterpillar?" I ask looking straight at my father.

He smirks and pops out. As he drops and kicks me.

"Is that any way to talk to your papa," he asks.

Of course the kick wasn't very hard, and I caught him as he knew I would.

"Still I'm happy to see you mi piccolo cielo, safe and sound," he says looking up at me with a smile.

I hug him like a doll. "Me too papa," I say with tears in my eyes.

"Let's go in and see Nana and get things set up to tutor Tsuna," Reborn says hopping out of my arms and onto my shoulders.

"Hey momma," I call out as I enter the house. "I found a tutor to help Tsuna with his schoolwork," I say as I walk up to her already at work fixing dinner.

I jump in and wash my hands to help. "Momma let me help. I already finished homework, that way you can interview the tutor, Mr. Reborn," I say with my best smile.

Nana goes into the dining room as I work on dinner.

3rd person POV

"Reborn-San is that really you," Nana Sawada asks.

"Si, Nana," Reborn says.

"Are you here to take her away," Nana asks with a gentle squeeze to her skirt under the table.

"No, I've watched Celina today. Tomorrow I'm going to observe Tsuna. My plan is to train them both under this roof," Reborn says walking along the table.

Nana sighs in relief. Celina steps in carrying a tray of tea with cookies.

"Here you go, I know they aren't as good as yours Momma but I have some of the batch I made in home ec. I was going to share them with Tsuna as a bribe but this is special," Celina smiles and heads back to the kitchen.

Reborn plops down and takes a cookie as Nana pours tea for both of them.

"Well Reborn-san," Nana asks.

"Celina is loafing. She is sometimes day dreaming, sometimes she is working ahead and planning and others she looks like she is caught in a nightmare," Reborn says.

"Her grades are good enough but below her potential save for home ec, the class she gives her all in. She doesn't give it her all in PE unless Tsuna is in real danger. She also has a tendency to watch Tsuna as if testing him. Her focus on him seems to give her trouble making friends with students in her own class even if she is friends with 2 from Tsuna's class," he says sipping the tea.

Nana smiles sadly as she takes a sip of tea, " She loves Tsu-kun so much and is always helping with him. She does love to cook and has been my little helper ever since she was big enough. It seems you saw her pretty well."

"Well she did see through my disguise," Reborn says with a smile as he eats a cookie. Leon sits on the edge of the tea cup and licks the tea.

"Ara, are you going to stay for dinner," Nana asks.

Reborn gets up and walks to the door. "Sorry Celina I have to go meet someone for dinner," Reborn says to the girl with brown hair waiting and obviously listening.

"Oh ok, I was going to ask if you had any allergies," Celina fumbles.

"Don't worry I'll see you tomorrow and maybe have a surprise for you two," the infant Hitman says as he left.

The girl nodded and started to tear up. Nana walked up behind and hugged the girl. As a hand touched her shoulder, the girl started to cry. Turning she hugged her mother.

"He is coming back right," she asked through the tears. "I knew he was out there but I should have tried harder and maybe he would have stayed," she cries.

The woman hugs her foster daughter and strokes her hair. "Come on, let's go have some of the tea and then you can help me with dinner. Reborn will comeback, after all he found you and loves you so much."


Celina wakes up just before sunrise. She smiles widely as she changes into her workout outfit. As she goes through a morning stretching routine she looks her window. A small infant wearing a black suit is walking up the street. Moving quickly and quietly she slips out of the house.

"Ciasou, Celina," the infant says.

"Hehe ciasou papa," She says bending down to hug him with tears in her eyes.

"Going to work out," he asks.

"Well now that you're here I figure things are going to be heating up," she says in a low voice.

"Heh, good girl," Reborn says as he stuffs a flyer in the mail slot in a way that Tsuna should see.

"However I can't let you go running around without your Guardians," he says.

"You are going to exercise with me," Celina asks.

Reborn smiles, "Not quite mi cielo." He whistles and a girl in a bright green sports bra and running shorts comes running up.

"Good morning Reborn-san is this my new workout partner," the girl with bright blonde hair and an excited smile bounces in place.

"Kuzanagi Kazuko meet Sewada Celina. Sewada Celina meet Kuzanagi Kazuko your Sun Guardian," Reborn says with a smile.

The blonde excitedly shakes the brown haired girl's hand. The other girl looks stunned as she is bounced.

"Umm a pleasure to meeeeet you," the stunned girl says as she bounces.

"You will be meeting some of your other Guardians today too," Reborn says before the girl in green takes the other girl's hand.

"Come on, lets go," instantly the blonde takes off dragging the other girl.

Celina starts to find her feet as they round a corner. As the two girls run around the neighborhood they pass a familiar face.

"Yo, Celina-chan," he says as he notices the girl as the older Sewada sibling.
"Finally out training, you should join the boxing club."

"Oooh boxing," the blonde girl interrupts, "You box Celina? That's cool I was told you are more of a baton girl. Oh hi," she says extending her hand to the boxer "I'm Kuzanagi Kazuko. I'm new to town but Celina is already my best friend."

"Heh, Celina-chan is really full of surprises that's really Extreme. I'm Sasegawa Ryohei, an Extreme pleasure to meet you," he says shaking her hand with as much force.

"Well we better get going we need to get back and change before school. See you later Sasegawa-san," Kazuko says taking Celina's hand dashing off again.

As they get back to the house it still isn't stirring.

"I'll see you at school, Celina-chan," the blonde says dashing off again.

The brunette girl stands there for a moment with a smile.

"Well papa she really is an embodiment of the sun," Celina says.

As she heads into the house the shadow of a man smiles.

So which Guardian do you think Celina should meet next?

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