Fairy Tail Chapter 2:

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I don't own Fairy Tail. This is a fun fan story and a way to deal with a nightmare.

I think of grandpa and the fairy tail symbol. I guess she sees more.

"Oh little one I have someone you need to meet," Mavis says.

Suddenly, my infant stomach rumbles and I cry out.

The spectral figure laughs and raises a finger. A pig like creature stomps out of the forest with what looks like a female forest Vulcan.

"Oo, oock baby we get you fed and take you to see Senju," the monkey says.

As I get put up against the offered animal mammary I drink. My baby belly fills up and after a short change I am picked up again. As I am carried into the forest Mavis seems to ride on the the Vulcan's shoulder.

"So you are Ivan's daughter? And he put a forest dragon lacryma in you? I did wonder what he did with it. Well it's fate and your magic that brought you here to the one place you could get proper dragon slayer instruction," Mavis says as I nod.

We enter a clearing and find what are clearly dragon bones with a tree growing around them. I sniff the air and feel my magic flare. Another source of magic flares as well and a green light seems to coalesce around the bones.

"Heh hello Astreya Makarov, my child and inheritor of the Forest Dragon's power. I am Senju Terojima," the dragon says.


I wake with a yawn. Jumping out of bed I slide down and into the cool water. After a quick wash I climb out and go back into the ruins that I call my home. Pulling on my green and brown dress made from some fabric that washed up I smile. I pull my hair into a side ponytail and tie it with a flowered vine that seems to pop out every morning.

Ooka waves to me as I pass her. The female Vulcan has been a great friend and almost another mother or big sister over the years. The pig who suckled me the first few months has moved on to a different part of the island. I fix a breakfast and am eating the bowl when I realize the day.

I have been training on Tenro Island, Fairy Tail's secret origin, for 6 years. I have learned a lot from Senju and Mavis and not just magic. While Senju taught me Dragonslayer magic, Mavis taught me all kinds of others and ways to use it differently. In a way you could say I have about 4 magics along side the Forest Dragonslayer. It turns out that by using the right seeds and plants I can get a lot of effects ranging from healing, crafting, illusions and ways around fire and ice by making armor and weapons out of different plants.

Ooka was my physical training partner for stuff like attacks and healing. She also loved to rough house but was also up to try my limited cooking endeavors. This resulted in a lot of broken bones and in me being a bit stronger than a 6 year old probably should be. I know being a forest Dragonslayer and having magical wood around me almost all the time has accelerated my healing and magical growth.

The fangirl in me wants to cry because it knows that today isn't the day the others' dragons "disappeared". In reality they will just go them to allow for the gate travel but won't arrive for a few years. Still for me, I know it's the day Senju's Magic is going to run out based on Mavis's calculations. So it's my last day with the dragon who raised me.

As I run through the paths I wave at some of the animals. As I near our clearing I slow down. Master Mavis is watching me from a branch. As always Senju's form appears from around the bones.

"Well my dear student, Reya it's our last day together. When the gate opens I'll give you all of my remaining power," they say.

I start crying and rush forward. As I hug the claw bone I feel it bend. "Heh don't worry. You will always have some of me with you, my dear Astreya Senjuryu Makarov" Senju glows one last time and I feel the claw wrap around me.

I keep crying for a bit. I can't help it. I'm still only 6. I look up as I "feel" Master Mavis's hand on my shoulder.

"Come now we knew it was going to happen. Besides don't you have a sister to find?" Mavis says leaning over and looking into my face.

"You're right!" I say jumping up and find myself wearing a large cloak that looks like dragon scales but in a deep green.

I snuggle it and it's the same smell as Senju. 'I guess this is my version of Natsu's scarf' I think.

"Why don't you head back to your room and we can prepare for your trip?" Mavis says with a twinkle in her eye.

As I'm walking along the path slowly I am suddenly struck by something falling from the air. Now the second I see the green flames and realize it's an egg I squeal.

"No way! I get my own Exceed?" I dance around and then dash home.


A week later I am holding a brown Exceed I named Thorn due to the spiked ridge of hair she has. I am looking at the spirit of the First Master Of Fairy Tail as she lays out the plan for the boat she wants me to make with my magic. Thankfully, I don't get motion sick or have to generate the wood using my own magic.

The plan is for me to take a few trees from down near the beach and use my magic to fuse and coax the right shape from the trees. Ooka is going to come with me to the mainland to find a mate. The plan is to from there make my way to the Heartfilia estate.

Thanks to the sleep training I get at night I was able to learn more magic than a six-year old normally would. Well that and I have my fangirl knowledge.


Over the next week I start making the boat in stages. By growing the wood into shape I don't have to worry about leaks since it's all one piece. It's not super big but enough for a girl, her winged cat and Forest Vulcan big sis to get to Hargeon. As we load up Master pulls me aside.

"Ok so you know about your practicing? Don't forget to cast the illusionary space," Mavis says, "Oh and before you go, I'm going to go ahead and give you your guildmark along with some limiters so you don't cause too much trouble out there."

I hold up left hand as a green Fairy Tail crest appears and I smile as I know the same has appeared on Thorn. As the others finish loading supplies I start to cry before inspiration hits.

I walk to a tree and whisper, "Forest Dragonslayer Secret Art: Wood Soul Puppet." I know Mavis saw my actions.

"Fufu, you know this won't last once you leave the radius," she laughs as she 'possesses' the doll.

"I know but I can do this!" I say as I hug her, "I'll be back in a few years when I become S-class."

Mavis laughs and walks to the beach. As I climb on the boat, Ooka pushes us off. As I part ways from my home for the last six years I hug Thorn and lean against Ooka for a moment.

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