A dark Rebirth 7 A Full Metal Rebirth

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I do not own Full Metal Alchemist or Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Ok so fair warning the opening is really Dark. I mean bad but the story gets better. This is in the realm of reborn into another world scenario.

Heh so this is how it ends? I thought looking up at the eyes. I look up at the eyes of my little brother the eyes of my baby brother I loved and cared for when I was little. As I think I grew up and failed to fit the mold enough for them or their role they wanted.

When I woke up that day and I was in a great mood and was going to be a great day. I take my hormones, shower and pick out a cute outfit. It was the first day of my new job. I finally had a chance to prove what I can do. Another car speeds along and cars pass that looked a lot like my own and I then pass a police cruiser.  it's lights turn on my heart sinks excellent time for you to work by being trans and Alabama every police officer was the source of anxiety.

I reach in to my glove box and pull out my registration. I mentally prepare for the coming question when I see my drivers license and then look at me. I swallow and pray that it's not somebody from my past. As the officer is walking up, he removes the hat and sunglasses and I do a double take and see it's my baby brother I'm stunned as I look in his face. I say his name and he gives me the angriest look I have ever received from anybody anybody in my entire life.

"Get out freak!" the officer says.

As I start getting out I get pistol whipped. My vision swims and I start to fall toward him. It's almost like he wanted me to fall towards him. I look at his face as he yells at me. As he kicks me I hear stuff like.

"Freak!, Useless fag! Should have accepted your role! You broke her heart! You stole that life! That car is my brother's not some He—she!" He yells at me.

As he pulls out his gun he unloads his clip. I feel my crotch get the first. "There you don't need it anyway," he laughs before putting a bullet in my head.

I know I'm going to die and for some reason I can't help but feel like
I failed him.  I reach out and in the growing pool of blood start to draw a circle. In my delirium I start adding symbols. Then there is a red flash. Then I'm in a white world.

"Hehe, well hello. Not many people from your side can open the gate," a featureless body in front of a big stone gate says. "Luck would have it I have decided to rewatch a certain story you know with an added character. Hehe not to mention you have a number of fun ideas in there. Well let's see how you fair with the brothers but you'll have to find them first."

I find myself being twisted and the gate opens. "Oh and don't worry about the payment. Your new body just needed a soul to power it and I'll toss in some knowledge. After all your an orphan now,"

3rd person POV

The inside of the tent is a blood bath. A young dark skinned man is panting as he looks over the bodies of the doctors. His blood is pumping and his red eyes are frantically scanning, looking for enemies.  The silence is broken by a cry of a newborn covered in blood.

A flurry of soldiers burst in. The young man bends and starts to scoop the child up.

"Hands off the girl criminal," a voice I instantly know is Louis Armstrong.


Crystal Armstrong POV

I've been brought back to Central and named Crystal, due to my eyes and the name of the doctors who supposedly delivered me.

I grow up in the Armstrong household alongside my sister and new parents. The soldier who saved me is over joyed when I call him big brother. I keep the fact that I can do alchemy without a circle hidden. Instead I learn a bit to satisfy him and feel drawn to studies on automail.

Then with my big sister I have to deal with pretty crueling physical training. Hours of physical exercise and sword fighting, because adopted or not I was an Armstrong. Yet I am told about the people who delivered me, not that I didn't already know.

When the reports of a young boy with blonde hair and a metal arm who is followed by a large suit of armor I know who it is. With my big sister having been stationed at Briggs and Alex Louis serving the Furher I have as much freedom as a girl my age can have. As for my parents and other sister well let's just say they understand certain things with my two elder siblings.

I'm out doing a bit of shopping for automail pieces for my next project. I'm standing in a parts store with my hair pulled back when I hear a voice call out.

"Winry? What are you doing in Central," the boy says as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

The next second either of us knows I have him on the ground with my foot on his chest, his arm in the air and my hands twisting his. We share a shocked look and I mentally sweat drop. 'Damnit, why did I have a sister who drilled these maneuvers so deep into my brain!"

"I. I'm sorry my big sister and brother are in the military and have drilled these things into me," I say bowing as he gets up.

I then realize who I just did it to.


We are sitting in a restaurant booth looking like a regular group of kids.

"Oh my, your Edward," I say pointing to the blonde hair guy,"and Alphonse Elric. I heard all about you guys. Oh where are my manners. My name is Crystal Armstrong."

The two rub their necks and smile.

"No, really it's my fault. You look like someone we know," Ed says.

"Wait!" he yells out.

"Did you say Armstrong?" Alphonse says.

As they share a look I know they weren't expecting me.

"Yep, Wait have you met my older brother or sister?" I ask tilting my head to the side to hide my mental giggle.

"You have a sister?" Ed asks.

"Yep, well it's not like their my biological family. My parents were doctors helping in Ishval and were killed when one of the Ishvalans lost control. I was rescued from my mother's body by Alex Louis and rushed to a doctor in Central," I say taking a sip of tea, "Ultimately, the Armstrongs adopted me and I've grown up here." I smile looking around.

Leaning over and looking at Ed's arm I smile, "I have to say your automail mechanic is awesome. I'd love to ask them how they balanced your shoulder and elbow gears not to distort with the pressure I put on them."

Ed and Al share a look and laugh.

"Well I guess we are going to need to call her to check my arm anyway," Ed says rotating it at the shoulder.

"Don't forget brother we also need to find a place to stay," Alphonse says.

"You can stay with my family. We have tons of space and my older sister and I keep a separate one for when Alex Loius gets to be too much," I offer.

It's the truth, I love my big brother but he is a bit much sometimes. Also being an automail geek I need a space without my brother bursting in the door in one of his big displays.

"Really?" The brothers ask.

"Yeah, besides it gives me a chance to meet the mechanic who made that beauty," I say as I know who they are going to call. I know who my birth family is, I just didn't know the right way to introduce myself.

Ed steps away and returns a little later.

"Well she's on her way, we'll pick her up at the train station later.

Ok so I hate Shou Tucker and what he does. I am giving the brothers another place to live but they will still meet.

Do you know of a world I could be reborn into? Let me know in the comments.

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