A Witchy Rebirth The Sisters Black

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Ok once again I do not own Harry Potter. This is one part a fun work and one part a cathartic tool.

We told Harry about that night. We avoided using Voldybutt's name because we knew about the taboo. That and it was more fun to call him Voldybutt. We were able to give the her as much sisterly love as possible. We couldn't be there all the time and so wound up missing somethings. Incidents like the roof episode did change. Instead of onto the roof Harry apperated to us in our room.

Needless to say mum and dad were both upset when they heard about the encounter. They weren't mad at us or Harry they were at the Dursleys.

3rd person POV

It was the morning after the incident. Sarah and Leonard Carole were sitting in their 3 bedroom flat. Their daughters were asleep in their room with the Potter girl. The child's sudden appearance in the girls' room had instantly set off their wards. The girls had been doing homework before dinner.

However, the second the frightened girl appeared both had dropped what they were doing. It had taken most of the night to calm the girl down that she wasn't going to be punished. Sarah and her husband were both furious. The times they had seen Harriet Jane Rose Potter, commonly known as The-Boy-Who-Lived, while at her aunt's the child seemed small and shy. Their daughters had instantly taken to the child and more than once tried to bring her home with them. This wasn't out of some fangirl obsession, from the parents' view but as two girls who wanted to protect another.

Yet when the girl apparated into their house, a feat that shouldn't have been possible for any child, they knew something was really wrong. It had made the girls attitudes make so much more sense. They didn't want to bring Harry home due to fan worship but out of a desire to protect her.

When the fireplace flared Albus Dumbledore, followed by Professor McGonagall, stepped through both adults stood.

"Professor McGonagall, Headmaster," Leonard said reaching forward towards McGonagall and then the Headmaster. "Welcome to our home."

"Thank you for coming, we were going to contact you last night but the girls were too worked up," Sarah says as she sits down. "Tea? We have some breakfast that we can start but we wanted to address the matter first thing."

"Of course," Dumbledore said as he looked over his half-moon glasses.

The aged wizard had an air about him that was wise, intelligent, almost otherworldly but also off. His eyes would twinkle sometimes like he was aware of some joke no one else was aware of. His long white beard almost blended with the silver that ran along the midnight blue robes he wore. Professor McGonagall was smaller in frame by a touch but carried herself with an almost feline grace. Her eyes while sharp seemed to drift slowly across the room.

"What's this about Mr. Potter?" McGonagall asked.

"Professor, little Ms. Potter has had a terrible ordeal. After being chased by her cousin, Dudley, and his friends tried to make it to my Aunt Fig's house." Sarah starts.  "Being unable to the child claims to have been so scared that she felt her mind crying out for our girls and being pulled here."

The look of shock on McGonagall's face was replaced by hard look at Dumbledore who wore an amused expression.

"The poor child was so drained she collapsed. I'm just grateful the girls want to be prepared for everything," Leonard Carole said as he poured the tea.

"Yes well I am aware of Vernon and Petunia's attitudes. However, the fact that the teachers are turning a blind eye to the situation is unfortunate," Dumbledore says.

Leonard Carole jumps up. "Unfortunate?! My wife and I examined her for a few minutes and found evidence of multiple broken bones and scars there is no way to tell what other things there are. I suspect many of which she or the girls tried to heal themselves," Leonard almost screams. "If it wouldn't cause an incident I'd be storming over there, casting a Karma spell on them and Obliviating their memories of both children before dropping that pig of a son off in an orphanage. Then my family and I would raise Harriet Jane Rose ourselves."

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