Dark Rebirth Heroic DC

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I do not own DC. I do not own Brainiac, the league or any established characters. I do introduce a number of my own characters mostly Leah Itsuka Lee and her family.

Ok so fair warning the opening is really dark. I mean bad but the story gets better. This is in the realm of reborn into another world scenario.

Heh so this is how it ends? I thought looking up at the eyes. I look up at the eyes of my little brother the eyes of my baby brother I loved and cared for when I was little. As I think I grew up and failed to fit the mold enough for them or their role they wanted.


When I woke up that day and I was in a great mood and was going to be a great day. I take my hormones, shower and pick out a cute outfit. It was the first day of my new job. I finally had a chance to prove what I can do. Another car speeds along and cars pass that looked a lot like my own and I then pass a police cruiser.  It's lights turn on my heart sinks excellent time for you to work by being trans and Alabama every police officer was the source of anxiety.

I reach in to my glove box and pull out my registration. I mentally prepare for the coming question when I see my drivers license and then look at me. I swallow and pray that it's not somebody from my past. As the officer is walking up, he removes the hat and sunglasses and I do a double take and see it's my baby brother I'm stunned as I look in his face. I say his name and he gives me the angriest look I have ever received from anybody anybody in my entire life.

"Get out freak!" the officer says.

As I start getting out I get pistol whipped. My vision swims and I start to fall toward him. It's almost like he wanted me to fall towards him. I look at his face as he yells at me. As he kicks me I hear stuff like.

"Freak!, Useless fag! Should have accepted your role! You broke her heart!," he yells.

As he pulls out his gun he unloads his clip. I feel my crotch get the first. "There you don't need it anyway," he laughs before putting a bullet in my head.

I know I'm going to die and for some reason I can't help but feel like I failed him.  Then I'm in a white world.    

"Hmm interesting..." a disembodied voice says. "Another anomalous entity in the Multi-verse void."

A second later the light fades. "Wait Brainiac 13?" I ask.

"Oh you know of me?" It asks.

I see the face of Brainiac 13 and find myself in a lab. "Well we are currently stuck between. We found you out there without any protective suit or identifying marks, beyond the bullet wounds that is," they say.

"Wait, how did I get here then? I last remember being shot in the head," I ask.

"We don't know. We started to patch you up a little but it seems to be resetting. your body is resetting itself," Brainy says examining the panel. "Hmm it seems your timeline is drawing you back. Hmm, wait! A DNA scan is suddenly registering in the database. Great Ka-El! That's why you didn't show up probably you're an Omega-Level Canceller/channeler. Leah Itsuka Lee, aka Whitenoise, aka Artifact, aka Seal. You were known for mixing Martial Arts and Magic. It says here you were once able to fully seal Amazo?

"That explains why you didn't register and how you survived in the void. You were channeling the void's energy around yourself and now that you are in our ship it's enforcing a timeline on you. Now your timeline is snapping back like a rubberband. Yet your mind is infused with void energy or maybe your power actually draws from the void all along. Anyway your memories will stay intact. Hmm..." he says as he keeps typing.

I feel my body actually getting younger as he talks. I recognize the nerd mode.

"Brainiac? I feel like I'm going to slip back," I say sitting up.

"Yep, but here, take this," the android says handing me a strip, "these nanoparticles should adhere to your brain. They won't be detected by anyone save us. They'll allow you to reach us if needed."

With that the room faded and I was staring at a dark bedroom ceiling. I blink as I feel/sense a kunai fly past my face.

"Wake up Suka. You may be starting kindergarten today but you don't get to take the day off training," he says as I reflexively snatch the knife.

I deflect the second kunai and look over. "Gee Oto I'm 6 and my field fluctuated during the night. I think I got a burst off dad's precog," I say climbing out of bed in darkness.

A Japanese man about 45-50, with a fine white scar along his cheek is standing in the doorway to my room. His dark eyes twinkle as if a joke has always been just said. Wearing a long black shirt, that would fit in with a kungfu movie or professional kitchen, deep green pants and simple shoes he casually spun another knife.

"Well then you need more training then," he says.

As I climb out of bed I put on my training gear and sigh as I look at the outfit my mom had laid out for me.  The outfit was a cute yellow top with a denim dress that was a cross between overalls and a skirt.

My room was a mix of princess stuff and martial arts. A wall with a painting of a pink castle was covered with nunchucks, kunai and other training gear. My little bed had soft comforters that were covered in sakura blossoms.

I had been doing this kind of training for over 4 years ever since I could walk. I was supposed start school and I had hoped I could get out of training.

As the seasoned martial artist and soldier waited for me with a smile I hopped at him.

"Here I come Oto," I sing.

I called him Oto, because that's what our father called him and it was now what everyone called him. His real name is Kyle Kaito Lee, "retired" Instructor of Hand-to-Hand Combat. I smiled cutely and smashed a paintball into his back as I hugged him. Or at least I tried to. He accepted the hug and relaxed his back making the ball bounce but not pop.

"Not bad dear," he says with a smirk. "Why didn't you use the kunai?"

"Because I told her no combat knives outside of the training room now that she is going to school," an older Chinese woman said walking up behind him.

Oto raises an eyebrow, "Yes but she still has training."

"Then you will have to settle for keeping weapons training in the dojo," Grandma says with a wink to me.

She knows I love training but weapons training is a bit rough on a little kid. You try dealing with a man who was trained from his childhood and then into his adulthood as a martial artist.

My grandma is Sarah May Lee. She honestly looks very young despite her age, you won't get me saying how old. Her short black hair shined and she always smelled of spices but in a good way. She is a homemaker but used to teach History and volunteers at the museum.

As I get pulled down to the dojo, I run through my mental life.   My name is Leah Itzuka Lee. I am the youngest of 3. My father is Simon Lee, police detective. My mom is Anna Brandt Lee, counselor for a private school. My big brother Peter Lee is in middle school now. My sister is Alexa Lee is starting 4th.

Oh and we are all psychics, kinda. Dad is a bit of a precognitive but it's limited. Mom  is able to affect neural transmitters in the brains but only for short periods and really only in kids. My brother is a thermo-kinetic, allowing him to move heat or cold from one spot to another. Alexa is an animal empath.

As for me well I'm a canceller. Any psychic or mental energy around me gets washed away. I am also a master at Hide and Seek because if I focus I can even cancel out or wash away my image/presence.

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