The Birth of a God of Death

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I do not own Bleach

This is a Dark Rebirth story and as such the main character has been attacked and is in the last few minutes of life. As she is laying there waiting for death a black butterfly flaps by.

"Huh, how strange," she thinks.

Then a round Japanese door slides opens. A man with spiky black hair, long black robes and holding a sword at his side steps through. He looks around then turns and looks down at her.

"Huh? I thought there wasn't anyone that was supposed to be here. Well go ahead and die so I can conso you and get you to the Seirtei before a Hollow shows," he says poking her head.

Then a beastial roar sounds and the road shakes. A large monster bounds up. It's body looks like a mix of a pig, bear and man walking on its large oversized fists. It's face is a large grotesque mask.

"Oh what a treat, a fresh kill and shinigami. I knew that cop was worth haunting," the monster says with a mixed voice of man, woman and animal.

"Shit, where are the others? Listen lady, either die or hold on long enough for someone else to show," the man called a shinigami yells before charging.

As they fight the woman stares stunned.

"I have to do something, but what? If only I could restrain it," she thinks.

"Oh Ancient Guardians of the Forest,
Everlasting Spirits of Life and Growth
Please Restrain this monster
Lacquered Oaken Cage!"

She cries out as her hand glows with green energy. From the trees on the side of the road giant roots shoot out and wrap around the monster. The man jumps back and looks at her. A cage of polished wood beams appears around the monster.

"What the? How did you do that? Are you some kind of Quincy," he asks.

"No, my name is..."she starts.

The monster cuts her off as it roars and slams against the cage that hold tight.

"Listen I'll be back once I have this thing taken care of," the man says as he jumps forward.

He slashes through the bars at the monster. He manages to chip the edges of the mask before he gets hit. His sword is knocked flying. As he slams against the bars the monster pulls its fist back. As the cage breaks the woman panicked.

"Oh Ageless Guardians of Stone and Earth
Eternal Watchers of Strength and Protection.
Please Strike Down this Monster.
Stone Sword Spire!"

As the woman presses her hand to the ground it glows brown. The road erupts with swords made of stone. Some blades break against the monster's underside. Some slice cleanly and one pierces a hand, coming out part way up it's arm.

"Fine, you want to be first," the monster charges at the woman ripping its own arm off.

"Damnit lady," the man yells and attacks.

As the monster looms over her she holds up her hand in defense. Tears running down her cheeks she shakes.

"Please Surging and Serene Guardians of Water
Deepest Givers of Healing and Purification
Heal our Aching Souls.
Purity Wave!"

Throwing her arms wide she rises up, floating above her body. A blue wave of water flows from her. As It hits the monster the water seems to rise up it's arms causing it to glow. As it flows around the man his wounds seem to heal.

"What the heck?!" The creature cries out.

The water rises up the monster and as it touches its head the mask shatters. A young boy's face is revealed crying.

"Thank you," he says and disappears.

"Ok, how the hell did you just purify a Hollow much less create that cage or other attack," the man says. "Oh well you're dead now, I'll take you to the one of the Captains in the Seireitei. Maybe one of them can figure you out. Oh by the way what's your name? I'm..."

??? POV

Whatever he says is lost from me as air whooshes by. I find myself landing hard on. The ground I reach up to my head and notice my glasses are gone. Then I see my hand and it's young. I look down at my body and see that the rest of me is, too.

I stand and realize I'm in a plain white dress with panties underneath. That's when I scream because my breasts are almost completely gone. I sigh.

"Oh well, might as well start walking, there is no telling what could be waiting for me in this forest," I say to no one in particular.

As I near the edge of the forest I see buildings, Japanese buildings.

"But I'm not Japanese," I think and look down at my skin and yep, still my same skin tone.

I come up to the buildings and see people. They are dressed like me but definitely look like they fit in.

I keep my head level but don't make eye contact with anyone for more than a second.

"Hey, Girl!"

I keep walking, trying to ignore the harsh masculine voice. I quicken my pace slightly when I hear it call again. I feel a hand on my shoulder jerk and turn me roughly.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," the speaker says angrily.

A square looking man with a square looking face looks down at me. His dirty looking facial hair was patchy. I realize I'm actually looking up. I must look confused.

"Oh are you simple? Don't worry deary just come with me," his face turns perverted and I tremble.

"Yeah, we'll take real good care of you. Boss Rogi will take real good care," a weaseling guy with buck teeth grins.

The big guy grabs my arm and starts pulling.

" let me go," I panic.

I try to resist but I'm so small I get pulled down the street by my wrist, painfully.

"Stop fighting, if you behave I'll even get you nice clothes," the man says.

The people in the street around me just turn away.

'Stupid girl, hit him,' a voice tells me.

"With what?" I cry.

"With money you stupid bitch. Of course you'll have to earn it, hehe," the fat man laughs

'With your power,' the voice says.

My hand starts to glow.

"Yeouch," the man holding my wrist let go me. "Oh, you got some power, huh? Me too."

He sneers and holds a big meat cleaver, "Now come along, or else I know where to cut you that the clients won't mind."

'Strike him. NOW,' the voice says.

I raise my still glowing hand and lunge at his shoulder. He drops the cleaver and looks at me shocked then the world spins.  As I fall to the ground I swear I see a familiar black robe.

Well that's the first chapter. Maybe I'll post another if anyone wants.

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