Nearing The End

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But then suddenly James wasn’t crushing me anymore. My eyes snapped opened for a brief moment to see the vampire from before standing over James. My eyes closed and I realized I couldn’t move and barely breathe. But I was alive. I heard screams all around me. I could hear James screaming and Logan attacked. I felt my vampire half start to heal me slowly. But at least I breathe easier.  

‘Ally, are you okay babe?’ Logan asked I my head.

‘Yes I’m okay…But I can’t fight. I’m too badly hurt… ‘

‘It’s okay baby. We have this just lay there and heal.’


Sam’s POV


I looked and saw a bloody Ally in wolf form. She was laying still on the ground. I froze for a moment. Till I saw her chest move up and down. Thank god, I turned towards the vampire that tried to hurt my Henry. He was laughing evilly. He tried to get his arms around me but I ripped his head off before he could become close. I giggled. I looked around there were bodies and body pieces everywhere.  But the only vampires left were the ones fighting with us.  

But I saw Logan over killing James.  I ran to him and tried to pull him away, there is the word tried.

‘Logan!...Mate he’s dead! He’s dead.’

‘No he hurt my mate! He almost killed her!’

“Logan, please calm down babe.’ Ally’s voice whispered.

Logan stopped right away, and ran straight towards Ally and nuzzled her red neck. Ally lifted her head and licked his muzzle. I found that sweet.  It took a long time to find the pieces of the good guys.  Somehow they put them back together, after a lot of swearing. It took just as long to gather up all the rest of the limbs, and make sure the limbs didn’t attach itself to their bodies before we could burn them.

Normally a human would stake a vampire and he would be dead. But there was too many. Have you tried to attack twenty vampires at a time with just a stake? Not the easiest thing to do. Both ways work fine however so it didn’t matter. We all just sat there and watched the fire burn. It was to calm us down that nothing was missed.


Ally’s POV


It still hurt, but I was mostly healed. I could stand up and watched them burn the limbs. I also watched as my father was hugging my shaking mum. They were both crying. I would too, if I had lost Jace. I wonder how he is doing. I left him with a few elderly women who were more than happy to babysit the werewolf prince.

“Honey …” I heard my mother asked.

I turned my body in Logan’s arms to look at my parents.

“Yeah …mother what is it?”

“I’m going back to vampire territory with your father…I spent too much time away from him.”

I looked at her too tired to give a good answer. I smiled at them both as my father held my mum as close as she could.

“I understand…I couldn’t spend long without Logan,” I looked at Logan who was hugging me but was talking to Sam’s wolf form. “But will I see you again?”

“Of course, I want to get to know my daughter.” My father smiled but pain was hidden behind them.

“I’m sorry about James…” Logan said suddenly said making me jump.

I saw my father freeze and swallow something.  But he smiled halfheartedly.

“Don’t…Don’t worry, son you did what you had to do…He was trying to hurt your mate. I would have done the same… Treat my girl good you hear? Or you’ll have a fight on your hands,” My father said sticking out his hand.

Logan stood up and took my father’s hand and shook it.

“Don’t worry I will never let anything happen to her.”

“Good… now what’s this about a grandson?”

I laughed at his joy.

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