A bump in the night

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I sighed. “I don’t know what Logan has been telling you or what he told you to say. But it’s lies!”

“Ally, it’s true. We all heard it with our own ears. There is something wrong with him.” Sam whispered.

“That can’t be true.”

“Well, it’s true…we are all sho-where are going?”

I had gotten up and was walking out the door.

“To see for myself!”

“What does that mean?” Henry asked.

I was already down the hall, and  walking down the stairs. I could feel Sam behind. Henry must be taking care of Jace.

“Ally…stop you can’t just go there!”

I somehow managed to get past guards. While Sam was stopped by the guards. I walked down the cells past many prisoners. A number of them tried hit on me. But I ignored them all. I got to a cell that I had to round the corner. That one I could see that Troy was in. But before I could get close enough for him to see me.

“That ass*hole!”

That made me stop. Troy never talked like that to anyone! Not even when he was very angry.

“That stupid mutt thinks he is all that! Just because he is the king! I should be king not that idiot!” Troy’s voice hissed.

What was going on? Why was Troy acting like this? This wasn’t him was it?

“Then he gets that wh*re Ally. I thought she was sweet and kind. That we were meant to be together forever! But no that sl*t choose that spoiled mutt over me! Me! Even when I tried to make her see I was the one for her, and to show that Logan was just going to cheat does she run to me? No!”

So…What Logan said was true. Troy was behind what I saw! Logan never cheated. My heart and wolf cheered all at the same time. Logan was the man who I fell in love with! Troy wasn’t who I thought he was. That made a tear form in my eyes. The one person I thought was my friend wasn’t.

I was starting to back up when I hit a strong chest, and arms went around me. But there were no shocks so it must have be Sam. I turn in his arms and quietly sob in his chest.


“I don’t know.” Sam said.

“…Ally…it that you?” I heard Troy’s fake voice whisper.

Anger took over as I remembered what a lying pr*ck he was.

“Hello Troy.”

“Oh Ally I knew you would come to help me. You’re jealous ‘mate’ locked me up cause he was upset that you may fall for another man while he is cheating. He is insane! Just unlock me and we can run away from that FREAK”

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