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“Well…” Logan hissed at the doctor. “What’s wrong with my mate?”

“I don’t know how to say this…” The doctor said looking at the clip board as if wishing what was on there would just go away.

As time went by we all got more and more angry at the doctor.

“WHAT IS IT ALREADY” Logan yelled.

“Um..we did some blood tests and one came up…and it said…” The Doctor took a huge gulp. “Ally’s…”

“Ally’s what?”

“…Half vampire, sir. She has vampire blood running in her veins not werewolf…”

Everyone was frozen. Ally…was half vampire? That’s impossible! She can’t be! The doctor was shaking in his boots.

“You should leave doc…” I said staring at the about to shift Logan.

The doctor nodded and couldn’t have left sooner.

“I’ll tell you when the rest of the results come.”

“Just go!” I yelled.

I tackled Logan down to the floor he was still shaking.

“Who did this my mate? Which vampire touched her?”

“Logan, think about what he said! She had vampire blood not werewolf! That means she was born like this…one of her parents must have been a vampire and does it really matter if she’s half vampire? That would only make her more powerful.”

He slowly stopped shaking.

“Your right…I still love her…”

I let him up he just sat up and put his face his hands.

“I…I thought he …was …going to …say she was pregnant!”

I looked at him and laughed.

“Maybe she is?”

“Maybe she could never get pregnant!” He looked in the distance.

“Oh she will…” I laughed at the old memory.

“How do you know?”

“Trust me… I have known Ally a long time I know things.”

“Like what?”

“I would tell you. I really would but I promised Ally I would never tell…But trust me she is werewolf in that sense.”

He took a deep breath… I looked at Ally’s small unmoving body. Please make it we all need you.

Ally’s POV

I’M HALF VAMPIRE! When did this happen? What does Logan think? Will he still want me?

“Your right…I still love her…”

I would have smiled if I was awake. But it was only seconds later that I blacked out. Hopeful  this time not for good.


2 weeks later


I came through again. But I don’t know how long it has been. Whether it has been hours, days, minutes or even years I would have no idea. But I could tell something was up, and I also felt much stronger. Maybe even strong enough to wake up. I tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy for me.

So then I moved my fingers. That worked very well indeed. As soon as I did I heard screaming and begging. But I couldn’t make out what it was saying. I opened my eyes and had to close them straight away from the bright light.

But when I opened them again I saw I was in Logan and mines room. He was over me smiling like crazy. He looked very unshaven. Bagged boldly present under eyes looking fiery red.  His clothes were messy and some buttons on his shirt where left undone. Others were placed in wrong hole as if he was in rush.  Logan pulled me into his arms and held on tight.

“Oh Ally never do that again! Don’t ever leave me!”

“I won’t…But you look like hell!” my sore barely used voice said.

Logan laughed.

“Yeah…I never could fall asleep for long…just in case you woke up. Then i had to rush to get dressed as fast as I can just in case you wake up without me there. “

“That’s sweet. Wait…there is something you aren’t telling me… I can tell.”

“Well, we found and removed that chip inside that Nathan put in you.” He half smiled.

“Logan I can tell that’s not it…Logan I know I’m half vampire. I heard the doctor say.”

“You…you did?”


I kissed him shortly he smiled as he pulled away. I looked at his face.

“There is something else isn’t there?”

He didn’t look at me and then sighed.

“Please just don’t freak out…okay?”

I looked at him and frowned.

“What is it Logan. Just tell me!”

“Okay um…your kind of…pregnant.”


I looked down and there it was a small bump. Werewolf’s pregnancies are very short. Royal werewolf’s even shorter then that! It was about 5 and half months long.

“How far along?”

“About a month…month and a half…he whispered.



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