Forsythe Pendelton Jones the Second

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[tw: alcoholism, abuse, suïcidal thoughts]

Besides Alice's soft breathing their bedroom was completely silent. FP peaked at their alarm clock and saw that the time had stroke two in morning already. Even when he was exhausted, he just couldn't fall asleep. He pressed his head deeper into his pillow before he looked to the woman sleeping next to him, peacefully asleep. If there was time and if the world would let him he could stare at her being asleep forever.

There was a storm raging inside him, but seeing her lying next to him looking so innocent and sweet made her somehow have a calming effect on him, without her doing anything. Maybe it was because for the first time in his life he had actually someone to sleep next to that he could confide in, that was a mate, someone who would always be there.

He could rationalize why he shouldn't be afraid of her leaving anytime soon since they were in it for the long haul now, but the voice in his head told him that he should look at her as long as possible, just in case that would all be taken away from him one day.

The only way he could sleep right now was on his back because of the fresh shot wound he had got yesterday night, but it wasn't the aching pain in his arm that was bothering him right now. It were his other thoughts that were keeping him wide awake, there were other demons whispering things in his ear that frightened him a way he had never known before.

The words of his son echoed through his mind, telling him that his father had left, again. For so long he had buried the thought of his father in the back of his mind, so far away that he could barely reach it, but now Jughead had started a hunt to find him everything came back boiling up.

It felt like he would never escape him. For the first time ever he had his life back on track in a way that he could say with full confidence that he felt happy. Before he would have never told someone that he knew what happiness was, because he simply didn't. But now everything had changed.

It had come to him in baby steps, but he got there. Not fully on his own, but at some point he needed to set his pride aside to accept the help to better his life. It was impossible to fight those demons all by himself.

Looking at Alice his mind drifted to the moment their story had started again. She was there when he got released from jail. There was a sparkle there that neither of them could deny, but admitting it out loud was way more difficult than pretending it wasn't there.

While being in jail he had started AA, as he was learning to stay away from drinking so his son could move back in. He never wanted to go back to prison again and he knew that this was his last chance with Jughead to make things right. It was now or never.

He thought about the steps he made and how all of them had been to make him proud again. To look at his son and see that same sparkle again, with eyes that told him they were proud. FP had given up on himself longer before, but just because there was one person in the world who didn't he managed to survive.

They had a long way to go but slowly they had worked on their bond for Jughead to find the trust in his dad back again. And he did. They seemed stronger than ever now they tried to let go of the past forever. But could you ever let go of the past? Would Jughead ever forgive him for the way he had treated him? How he became homeless because his dad couldn't keep his hands of the bottle?

The moment he was send off to jail for covering up the murder of Jason Blossom something inside him changed for good. He could have easily rotted in there for the rest of his life, which wouldn't have bothered him if he knew Jughead was safe. After all, it seemed his destiny to wind up a screw up since he was raised by one.

Jail was where he belonged, together with the rest of the scum who suffered the same fate. It was what he thought he had deserved after the way he treated everyone around him. But Jughead did the impossible. He fought for his old man. He fought for him to have the lowest sentence as possible. He believed in him in a way he had never believed in himself and it made him see that he could never blew the connection he had with his son ever again.

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