Eighty - One

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"He said he wanted to marry you?" Isa whispered shouted in the café as I was working, I shushed her giggling.

"Damn, never thought Noah would want to marry" She snorted "Can't imagine him settling down" She said.

I chuckled making coffees "Hey" Nico said walking out of the changing rooms "Good morning" I smiled at him.

"Your boyfriend was quite rude" He smirked joining me making coffees "He was just stressed" I said chuckling "Noah is a douche" Isa joined the conversation.

I shook my head laughing "Ava, can I talk to you?" Noah's voice sounded in the background, I looked at Isa and Nico and walked to him.

"Yes?" "Stop talking to Nico, and help I don't have a suit" He sighed sitting down on the chair in front of the counter.

"I can't just ignore him Noah, he is my boss" I tried to reason with him "And we'll go shopping after my shift is done" I smiled at him.

He groaned "Do I have to wait that long?" He whined "Yes" I chuckled, he rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat.

I smirked a bit pecking his forehead and went back to work.

The day went by fast and before I knew it, my shift was over and I got to go home, I walked out the café saying goodbye to Nico.

"Hey" Noah said leaning against the wall, I gasped "You scared me!" I said "Sorry" He chuckled pulling me to him.

"What are you doing here?" I said quietly against his lips as he already pulled me closer, he kissed me softly but at the same time hard, just like he always does.

"We're going to go shopping" He smiled and pulled back, I groaned "Now?" I whined "Hey, you said you'd come with me after your shift" He mocked my whiny tone.

I glared at him and got into the car with him "I didn't know I was going to be that tired" I kept whining "Don't be a cry baby" He whined back.

I laughed looking at him "You don't work" I pointed out "Who says so?" He raised his brow "Wait, you work?" I gasped looking at him, he smirked starting the car.

"What do you do?" I asked him curiously "Nothing important" He smirked driving off.

I groaned "I hate that you wont tell me anything" I muttered "And I hate that you keep asking" He chuckled "Why wouldn't you tell me? I'm your girlfriend and it's not something anyone keeps a secret" I said annoyed.

"You're very annoying when you are tired, young lady" He teased, I rolled my eyes "Yeah, let's change subjects" I muttered.

"Okay, how 'bout I fuck you this night?" He casually said making me choke on my own spit, he bursted out laughing taking a turn.

"We're not having sex" I stated "Why not?" He smirked "Since you can't tell me what you do for work then I can't have sex with you, imagine you are this murderer" I teased him.

"Damn, you saw right through me" He joked acting hurt "But I know we are fucking, I just need to come a bit closer and you're giving yourself to me" He smirked "I wouldn't bet your heart on it, babe" I teased back.

"Babe, huh" He raised his brow looking at me, I blushed "Sorry" I said shyly.

"I like it, it sounds nice when you say it" He smiled taking another turn and then the mall was in sight.

"I just really don't want to go shopping right now" I whined again "Oh god would you shut up, woman?" He laughed parking the car.

"You kidnapped me, you know" I said rolling my eyes "You are no kid so technically I can't really kidnap you" He shrugged.

"You womannapped me" I laughed, he looked at me and opened his car door "I really don't know why I love you this much when you say such things" He laughed shutting it.

I got out too "You hurt my soul with your put together words" He chuckled taking my hand.

"What a shame" I said dramatically walking into the mall with him.

We did like five shops with suits but none convinced Noah, he didnt even come out to show me how they looked on him.

"Hey, look a maroon suit" I pointed out, remembering the color was maroon "I'm not wearing maroon, he is getting black" He shrugged "Why?" I whined.

"I'm not fucking wearing maroon, okay?" He said, clearly annoyed "Okay okay, sorry" I muttered walking past it.

"Sorry" he sighed, I shrugged saying it was okay as we kept looking.

We ended up going to three more shops and when he finally got his suit, he asked if I wanted to go look for a dress but I really didn't feel like it right now so we were now going to a restaurant to have something for dinner.

"I told Lucas and Justin I'm leaving in a couple of weeks" He randomly said eating his piece of meat with chips.

I nodded "Okay" I smiled a bit looking down at my spaghetti "What's wrong?" He asked quietly taking my hand in his.

"It's nothing" I smiled again at him and continued eating.

I was going to miss him, I know it and he knows it, but I know it's probably for the best.

And even through I understand 100% and I was the one who said he should leave, I kind of regret it, knowing that after the time he would be gone.

Things are going to change, we are not going to be close anymore, like, at all, he wouldn't be so open about everything and playing around with me in the car.

He wouldn't come and pick me up almost every time my shift is over and he will not threat any guys around me so they wouldn't come near me.

We will just be two strangers with memories.

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