
989 21 1

I was walking down the hall as I felt a hand grab my wrist, I got pulled away from the crowd.

"Goodmorning" Noah smirked "Goodmorning" I whispered "How are you feeling today?" "Sore from last night" I blushed.

He winked and let go off me "Same thing tonight?" He asked smirking, I bit my lip "We'll see" I said winking and walked off.

A couple of days passed, and I ran into him last night and well, we got in his car and one thing leads to another.

I got in the classroom and sat down with my friends, Noah came in too and sat down too.

I could feel the tension build up "Why did you come so late last night?" Isa asked me "Sorry, I was going for my spaghetti but got caught up with something and yeah.." I said awkwardly.

Noah gasped "You know how that sounds guys?" "What?" Justin asked "I think Ava might have a new fuckbuddy" Noah smirked, I looked at him wide eyed "What?" I squealed.

"You're not fucking Ethan right?" Noah chuckled "No, you know who I am-" I looked at my friends "You know who I am and... you know I wouldn't sleep with anyone" I muttered.

I glared at him once everyone started laughing, he winked "Is that a hickey?" Lucas gasped looking at my  neck "What!?" I covered my neck "No" I panicked, I took my mirror I had and looked in my neck, and there is was.

I glared once again at Noah and mouthed 'no you didn't' when they weren't looking.

"Who was it? Was he good?" Isa smirked "I can't tell who it is, but I can say that it wasn't that good" I shrugged "I was better, right?" Noah smirked.

"That is inappropriate" I snapped at him, he held his hands up "Dont shoot me babe" He said and then realized what he said, I took a deep breath and let it out when they didn't notice.

"I'm still confused with the relationship between you two" Ed said to us "There is no relationship, we are trying to be friends" I tried to explain.

"We are trying to understand too, but as long as Ava is alright" Justin chuckled "Thanks dude" Noah said rolling his eyes "You broke my nose!" Justin laughed, Noah chuckled.

"You deserved it for being a little bitch" Noah shrugged "But he wont be using aggression again, right?" I asked him "Yeah, whatever" he rolled his eyes.

The classes went on and on until we finally got free, we were sitting in the cafe, there was still tension but I guess it's normal.

Noah got up clearing his throat "I'm going to go, Rick is going to freak out since I skipped his class" Noah said, they nodded and I got up too "I need to study so... see you tomorrow" I said quickly and walked out with him.

"You left me a hickey!" I hissed "Sorry it's your fault! If you just let me on top I wouldnt" He hissed back.

"And why would you even bring up I am sleeping with someone? You are just trying to make me uncomfortable and being plain annoying" I said sitting now in his car.

"I won't do it again" he rolled his eyes "I dont know why you're making a deal about all of this, we are just a couple that loves each other-" "we are  not a couple" I snapped "Not a couple, got it" He smirked and started the engine "Can you drive me to my dorm? I'm tired" I nodded.

"Yeah, of course" He said driving me "You know, you've changed" I muttered "Only for you" He smiled a bit glancing at me.

"You think I'm this nice to the rest?" He chuckled "No, I know you are still an ass" I giggled.

"Isa is going to be asking a lot of questions now that she saw the wonderful mark you've left me" I sighed.

"Just convince her that you are fucking some guy from campus to get back at me" He shrugged "Get back at you for what?" I chucked "For the game, captain obvious" He rolled his eyes as he parked in front of the building.

"You know I'm over that" I said turning to him "You can't be over that, I hurt you badly, okay? Just say you're getting back at me" He nodded.

I sighed and tried to get out but he grabbed my arm, he pulled me to him and kissed me, I kissed back softly and then pulled away "Remember?" I muttered.

He nodded "I wont say" He smirked and I walked away.

I know I'm probably going to get this fired back at my face but I know that if I tell them they are going to be mad at me, and it's not like we are back together, it's just fun.

Just like it was in the beginning, all for fun.

I got in my dorm and shut the door "Okay, who is it?" Isa giggled, I chuckled "Could we not talk about this?" I sighed "Okay, sorry"

"Isa, would you get back with Alex?" I asked randomly, she chuckled "I'm happy with Lucas so, no" "And if it weren't for Lucas?" I asked her.

"Well, then I might of have considered it, why?" She asked "Curiosity" I smiled a bit sitting down on my bed "You are okay right, I saw you get into Noah's car, you guys fought?" She asked me.

"No we didn't, well kind of, I dont know" I sighed "Ex's can't be friends" Isa chuckled "Or you guys never felt anything for each other, which is impossible, or you guys still love each other to death but wont admit it" She giggled.

"There is just one of us that doesn't want to admit it" I muttered groaning "We all know that Noah plays hard-" "Its not Noah, its me" I sighed.

"Why?" She sighed "What would you guys think about me if after everything I still love him? I mean its stupid" I sighed.

"We'd think that you are human" She sighed sitting down with me on my bed.

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