Sixty - Six

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We were all waiting nervously at Christmas Eve for our guests to arrive.

My dad was nervous to introduce us his new girlfriend and I was nervous to see my mother again.

"Avalynn stop it already" August said for the fifth time as I was checking the table if everything was fine "Everything is perfect" Noah whispered in my ear putting his hand on the small of my back, I nodded nervously at him giving him a smile.

He knew what I was going through and what I needed to hear, then the doorbell sounded, I took a deep breath, watching as my dad went to the door and opened it, Jacob and Alice, his mother walked in.

She gave my dad a small peck on his cheek and came to me "It's been such a long time" She whispered and hugged me, I giggled hugging back "It is" She pulled away, I turned to Jacob "Hey" I smiled a bit.

Let me explain, couple of years ago in high school we were best friends, and he told me he was in love with me and I kind of rejected him so we didn't talk anymore.

"Hi" He smiled, the doorbell rang again and my dad opened the door, there she was, the woman that gave birth to me was standing just right in front of me after abandoning me.

"Avalynn?" She gasped covering her mouth "You've grown so well" She said under her breath, I just stood there, looking at her and her new husband and kids.

She pulled me in a hug but I pushed her away "Don't you dare" I snapped "Tony I thought you talked to her?" She asked my father angrily "I did talk to her Brit, but she can decide whether she is mad at you or not" My dad fired back.

"And who is this?" My mother asked Noah "I'm Noah, nice to meet you" He smiled holding his hand out "Noah who?" She looked at his hand and back up at him "Ava's boyfriend" He said.

She took his hand and shook it "Brit" She nodded and then looked back "This is Henry, my son Aaron and my daughter Andrea" She smiled at them making me want to gag.

"That are cheap replacements" August snorted, my dad glared at him and August shrugged "Let's eat" Alice cheered.

We all got to the table and I was sitting next to this Aaron boy who was my age more or less, and next to Noah.

My dad and Alice served the food as everyone was in an awkward silence, Noah grabbed my hand under the table squeezing it "You are doing very good" He whispered in my ear "I feel like having a meltdown" I whispered back as my hand shakes inside of his grip.

He squeezed tighter giving me a small smile as my dad and Alice were now in their seats too.

"You still want to be a doctor?" My mom asked me "No, I'm in law school" I cracked out and cleared my throat afterwards feeling the knot.

"So, a lawyer" She smiled as she began to eat "And you, August?" She asked him, he glared at her and kept eating.

"You're also in law school?" She asked Noah, he nodded "That's how I met your daughter" He nodded.

"That's nice, Aaron is studying to be a veterinarian and Andrea is going to be a policewoman" She nodded.

I looked down at my food and began eating  "And you?" She asked Jacob "Coach" He nodded "Really?" I gasped looking at him, he nodded grinning.

I smiled "How about you? Still a coward running from your family when it gets rough to start another with kids that aren't yours at all?" August snapped at my mom.

"Gus you dont know why-" "Don't call me Gus you fucking bitch" He snapped, I gasped covering my mouth.

"Don't you dare to talk to your mother that way!" She raised her voice standing up hitting the table, this isnt going to go well.

August got up hitting the table louder than her "My mother is dead! She died years ago" He yelled at her "Dont speak such nonsense" My mom snapped.

I felt my chest ache from anxiety while I was trying to take deep breaths as the show went on.

"August you're really crossing the line" My dad said trying to calm him down "I'm not crossing any lines, I hate her guts and so does Avalynn, what did you expect? That we'd come back running into your fucking arms the second you came in this house?" He yelled at her and ran out the house.

I sighed getting up to go after him "Can I go?" Noah asked me getting up too, I nodded walking out with him sitting on the bench in front of my house as Noah walked off after him.

Noah's P.O.V.

I searched for 2 minutes until I found him under a tree sitting there with tears in his eyes "What do you want?" He snapped "You're not like me" I chuckled sitting down next to him.

"What does that mean?" He snapped again "I would've beaten up the tree" I chuckled again as he chuckled too "I thought of doing so" He muttered.

"I understand you, what you are feeling" I said awkwardly "How would you even?" He rolled his eyes "My mom died, when she gave birth to me" I sighed, he looked at me "I'm sorry, that's so not the same" He sighed.

"But it is, I feel left behind too, I felt angry at her for such a long time, trust me, I even hated her" I explained "And you dont get over it" I smiled sadly at him "Fuck, I'm so sorry for being such an asshole to you" He sighed.

"I deserve that, I've did things that cannot be forgiven, awful things, but I'm trying, and I know you are too, and your father loves you so much, you should try and talk to him sometime" I nodded patting his shoulder getting up.

"Thanks dude" He mumbled as I held my hand out and pulled him up "That's fine" I smiled and walked back inside with him.

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