When The Magic Happens (w/ Epilogue)

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The night after Wrestlemania was always a big night for WWE, and the same would go for Cassie and Josh. Because as Josh's Universal title reign was just beginning, Cassie's would come to an emotional end. Because as she was pregnant, that meant she had to relinquish her Raw Women's Championship. Tonight, her entire family would be in attendance to witness a proud moment.

Cassie: So, everyone from my family is out there, and I'm actually kicking off Raw with my announcement about the title.

Josh: I would ask if you want me there with you, but I wouldn't want to steal your spotlight...

Just as he turned away, Cassie grabbed his hand.

Cassie: You really think I'd be doing something like this on my own? No way, mister! You're coming with me!

The two smiled at each other as Josh tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear, with Cassie almost leaning into his touch. Just then, her music played and out she went, onto the stage, title draped over her shoulder. Meanwhile, Josh had a quick word with Hunter about the segment.

Josh: Hunter, get the roster together, they're not gonna want to miss this...

With a thumbs up and a wink, he did just that, and when Josh's theme then hit, he had a wider smile than usual. And out he went joining his beloved fiance, sharing a small kiss before accompaning her to the ring and helping her in and getting her a mic.

Cassie: Last night, me and Josh were pushed to our limits, in two hard hitting matches. But we overcame those obstacles and here we are, as the champions of Raw!

The two got a loud pop as they raised their belts above their heads before Cassie continued.

Cassie: But, there's two sides to every story. As some of you may know, last night, not only did this handsome hunk propose to me...

The crowd began chanting 'She Said Yes!' a few times.

Cassie: ...but I also revealed that I was pregnant again, this time with twins! Now, I was lucky not to take that much stress on my body last night, but it's not a risk I'm willing to take, which is why that tonight, due to my pregnancy, I'm going to take a long break from wrestling, and in the process, I am also relinquishing the Raw Women's Championship.

The crowd booed a little, but understood why and gave her a round of applause.

Cassie: As for my return, I'm not even sure there will be one. I thought to myself after last night, do I really wanna pull off double duty and be a wrestler as well as a mother? This wise guy here told me that it was my decision to make, and I know I'm gonna break some hearts with this... But tonight has been my last night as a professional wrestler.

That last bit absolutely stunned the WWE universe in a state of shock, as she laid the title in the middle of the ring and began crying a little as she hugged Josh, who whispered in her ear.

Josh: It's okay, it's okay...

The two pulled apart, as Josh then took the mic.

Josh: I think that we can safely say that Peyton, you have had one heck of a career. While it may not have lasted as long as you wanted, you've been successful and you've been more happy than ever. Ever since I came here, nobody has been more loving to me than you, and I can honestly say that from me to you, everyone in this building, company and the entire WWE universe will miss you. But nobody more than me. Which is why I'm going to do something probably nobody expected.

He laid the Universal Championship down next to the Raw Women's Championship as he carried on.

Josh: It is with a heavy heart that... I am also retiring. I can't go through the amount of pain I go through being a wrestler while trying to balance it out by being a proper father to my children, and a proper husband for my future wife.

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