There Are No Rules In Hell

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Wrestlemania had now arrived. The biggest night of Cassie and Josh's WWE career so far. After meeting up with their families and friends the night before at the Hall Of Fame ceremony, and having a good catch up, it was now time for the two of them to make history. After the pre-show, which saw Jack Gallagher defeat Tony Nese for the Cruiserweight Championship, Mandy Rose win the Women's Battle Royal, Braun Strowman win the Andre The Giant Battle Royal and AoP win the Raw Tag Team Championships, the main show had now kicked off, with Seth Rollins winning the Universal Championship from Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles pinning Randy Orton, and as Josh and Cassie watched, Josh couldn't help but see that his girlfriend was nervous.

Josh: Babe? What's up?

Cassie: It's just... That's a huge crowd out there... what if I muck it up? There's 80000 people in that stadium, as well as millions watching all around the world... Am I really ready for a match as big as this?

Josh grabbed her hands tightly and held them as their heads met and he spoke.

Josh: Cassie... you deserve this moment more than anything. This is Wrestlemania, where anything can happen. You've worked so hard to be here, and don't let anybody tell you different. When you go out there, you and Asuka will make history. You will win that title, and more importantly, you will have your Wrestlemania moment tonight. Now go out there, and make your family even more proud of you than they already are...

Cassie then smiled and kissed her man.

Cassie: Wow babe, you know exactly what to say and when to say it. I can't thank you enough for this... You helped me to get where I am... Come on, you can walk me to gorilla!

They walked hand in hand to gorilla, where her music had just started to play. She went out with her special gear, with IIconic written down the side of her black trunks in neon green and orange and a bunch of flowers instead of her trademark solo flower. She then looked into the camera and sent a message to her loving boyfriend.

Cassie: I'm doing this for you babe!

She then blew a kiss before leaning against the ropes and doing her pose before Asuka then made her entrance, and she was accompanied by a troop who were wearing the same mask as her own before pointing at Cassie, sparking a hint of fear into the Aussie. After the official intros, the match then began, and Cassie wasted no time, hitting Asuka with a series of kicks and strikes, including a stiff elbow to Asuka's jaw.

After another 20 minutes, both Cassie and Asuka were exhausted, and after Cassie had Asuka on the top rope, she delivered a picture perfect sunset flip powerbomb from the top into a pin combo.

Ref: 1... 2...

Asuka just about threw a shoulder up before catching Cassie unawares and locking in the Asuka-lock, and leaving her with almost nowhere to go. After a painful minute in the hold, she used her legs to just touch the ropes, forcing the break. Asuka then mistimed a hip attack and missed a strike before Cassie hit her with a leg lariat, before hitting her fishermans suplex, but opting not to go for the cover. Instead, she climbed to the top and hit a Shooting Star Press, to the awe of everyone, even the ref, who soon then began the count.

Ref: 1... 2... 3!

Greg: Here is your winner... and NEW Smackdown Women's Champion, Peyton Royce!

As soon as the bell rang, Cassie was shocked and as she was handed the title belt, she began crying, as she had her Wrestlemania moment at her first attempt of asking. As she celebrated with the title, Josh was watching backstage and couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

Josh: You deserve it, girl.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Willow (Jeff): Energeon... the time has come. Everything is now falling into place... and we must be ready. Do what you must to prepare before joining me in our quest.

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