Fixing Physical And Mental Issues

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2 weeks had passed since Josh's car accident, and he still remained in a medically induced coma. Cassie had hardly left his side, and a week ago, Josh's family had also turned up the day after the accident to see what had happened. Now, it was just Cassie and Leah who were there with him as his family couldn't stay for long.

Leah: I hate seeing someone close to me like this. Only God knows what you're going through, girl.

On top of hardly leaving his side, Cassie had barely spoken to anyone. She often whispered sweet nothings in Josh's ear and kissed his cheek to try and make herself feel better.

Leah: And I don't blame you for not leaving him. If I were in your shoes, I would do the exact same thing.

Cassie: You see, Leah, although I will always love him forever, I feel like I made a mistake.

Leah: What kind of mistake?

Cassie: I guess now is the best time to tell you, since he won't hear it... But I cheated on Josh.

Leah: What? Why?!

Cassie: It was a spur of the moment thing, a few weeks ago. Josh had gone away for a few days to see his parents. He wanted me to come, but I told him he deserves his time with them on his own. And the day before he came back, I went out for a few drinks, but I obviously had too many because the next morning, I woke up with this guy in my bed...

Leah: Well, it doesn't sound that bad, I mean...

Cassie: ... and we were both naked.

Leah: Ah. Well, you might have a lot of explaining to do when Josh wakes up.

Cassie: That's not the worst part - me and Josh did it the night after, so there's a chance that this guy could be the father of this baby...

Leah: Oh god. Do you know anything about who this guy?

Cassie: Yeah, and it's someone we know well. It's the US Champion, Travis Sharp.

Leah: Whoa, and that's not even the worst part. I heard that he's been dating Jessica for the past few months.

Cassie: That can't be a coincidence, unless she told him to be a part of this. When Josh gets better, us three are gonna have words with each other.

Just then, Cassie turned her thoughts back to Josh, who was still out of it in his coma.

Cassie: I dread to think what he might say when I tell him...

Leah: You sure that's a wise idea?

Cassie: I have to tell him, it's only fair. Besides, he was chuffed to bits when I told him I was pregnant. He thinks he's the father... I hope to god he is.

No sooner had Cassie finished her sentence, she felt Josh's grip get tighter around her hand.

Cassie: Josh?

The grip grew yet even tighter still, until Josh had a firm grip on Cassie's hand, and his head began moving around slightly. His eye then began fluttering open a little and was moaning and aching in pain.

Josh: Ugh... What... what the hell? Where am I?

Cassie and Leah were both in shock, as was Dr Osborne and his nurses when they arrived at the scene.

Dr Osborne: Well, it looks like Josh woke himself up. Now, Josh, do you remember anything from the accident?

Josh: Not a damn thing. Last thing I remember, I was coming back after a heated confrontation with my so called ex girlfriend.

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