Crossing The Line

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The Raw before the Royal Rumble, Travis was in the ring, speaking about his challenger for the Royal Rumble Universal Championship match, Braun Strowman, for the contract signing.

Travis: ...and so, with all that being said, Braun, come on out here, because I wanna say something to you, face to face.

Braun's music hit and out he came, striding with purpose on the way to the ring, and got a mic, then looked straight at Travis, burning a hole through the Universal Champion.

Braun: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't squash you like a pancake right now.

Travis: Because would it really be worth it? Wouldn't you rather wait till the Rumble to do that? If you can, that is...

As Braun was still staring at Travis, The American Nightmare then surprised The Monster Among Men with a Sharp Attack from nowhere, which sent Braun reeling to the floor. But as Travis gloated by holding up the belt, the arena went dark for a good 5 seconds. When the lights came back on, there stood Josh, standing directly behind Travis, who was completely unaware of who was behind him. The minute he turned around, Travis looked like he had seen a ghost. He dropped his belt and fainted in shock. Seeing his chance, Josh climbed up top, and hit Creation Of Energy on the champion. Getting up, Josh saw the contract and signed his name next to Braun's and Travis. Josh was back and back with a vengeance.

Backstage, he met up with Cassie and Issie, and went back to their locker room.

Cassie: So... How does the title picture look now?

Josh: I've been told that it's now gonna be a triple threat, now that I've signed the contract. I'm not winning the match as Travis is retaining.

Cassie: At least you're not being pinned.

Josh: Yeah, creative have said they're planning for me to win the belt at Mania against Travis, and that they also said this rivalry between me and him will get personal. So don't be surprised if some things are said about you...

Cassie looked at little Issie and bounced her up and down a little on her knee as she giggled a lot.

Cassie: As long as this little cutie isn't thrown into it, I don't mind what is said or done. Just make sure you win that belt at the Grandest Stage Of Them All.

Josh gave both his girls a kiss before heading back to their apartment, unaware that Jessica was watching them without them noticing.

Jessica: Look at you two... Completely unaware of what's to come... And to think...

She rubbed her small baby bump as she continued speaking to herself.

Jessica: ...that soon, their little one won't be the only little one around here...

The night of the Royal Rumble PPV...

Josh was doing an interview before the triple threat match with Cathy Kelley.

Cathy: So Josh, now that you're back, we saw you sign the contract making tonight's Universal Championship match a triple threat. Are you ready to face the likes of Braun Strowman and the Universal Champion, Travis Sharp?

Josh: I have never been or felt more ready in my entire life. I've been away from what I do best for far too long. Tonight, I knock some sense into Travis Sharp for messing with my personal life and my girlfriend.

Just as Josh was about to continue, Braun Strowman then showed up.

Braun: Just remember, you ain't just facing Sharp for that belt. And nobody will stop me from claiming the one thing I have chased since I first arrived in WWE. Not. Even. You.

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