The Aftermath

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Smackdown Live after Wrestlemania...

Everyone was there from both Cassie and Josh's family to see them, as Cassie kept her promise to Leah and would be offering her a title shot tonight, while Josh and Jeff would be speaking out for the first time since the awe-inspiring tag title match. All three of them arrived at the arena together, and while Cassie went to get ready for her match, Josh and Jeff had some time to address one another.

Jeff: Josh, I just wanna applaud you on how far you've come. I mean, back at the Royal Rumble, you were making your debut, and a little over 2 months later, here you are, one half of the tag team champions. I couldn't have had a better partner by my side.

Josh: You sure? What about your tag title wins with Matt?

Jeff: Okay, except maybe him, but you killed it out there. I mean, jumping from a 20 foot ladder through a flaming table? Only Energeon could do something as crazy as that...

Josh: Thanks man, that means a lot coming from someone like you... Now come on then, let's address our victory.

They made their way to gorilla and did their solo entrances, with Jeff first, and as he pointed to the back, Josh's music hit and he did his entrance, with both of them doing a high five with the belts, then draping them over their shoulders as they made their way to the ring.

Josh: Well, it looks like New York is the place to be tonight!!!

He got a loud cheer before continuing on.

Josh: 3 months ago, if you told me I'd be standing here the night after Wrestlemania as one half of the Smackdown Tag Team Champions with one of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time in Jeff Hardy, I would not have believed you.

Jeff: And yet, here we are. Your new Tag Team Champions!!!

The crowd continued cheering, with a few of them even chanting 'Hardy, Hardy, Hardy!'

Jeff: The Usos put up one heck of a fight, but the vessels known as Willow and Energeon were able to rise...

Both: ... VICTORIOUS!!!

Jeff: And now, the question remains... Who wants a piece of us?

Josh: Well, the answer will be revealed in a number one contenders match which we will keep a close eye on...

Jeff: So... Heavy Machinery, Rowan and Bryan, Nakamura and Rusev, we await one of you come Money In The Bank.

Josh: And one last thing before we go... Peyton, baby... I love you, gorgeous! Good luck in your match tonight!

Backstage, Cassie was touched by Josh's message for her. And since her title match with Leah was up next, she met up with the boys as they returned backstage.

Cassie: Whoever you're facing for those titles, I know you'll beat them, babe!

Josh: Just like I know you'll beat Leah, I have every confidence in you. Now go out there and give those New Yorkers a good show! And maybe... when we get back... you could give me a good show...

Cassie smirked, giggled a little as she kissed her man before the boys left. She watched as Leah made her entrance, and then smiled even more at the thought of defending against someone she considered a true friend.

The match itself was pretty decent, with Leah locking in her Code Of Silence submission, and just as Cassie was about to tap, she stuck a leg out towards the bottom rope and just touched it, forcing Leah to break the hold. While both women got their breath back, Josh was watching admirably as Cassie fought with everything she had, before laying out Leah with her Fisherman's Suplex, before then hitting a Shooting Star Press, to get the win.

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