One Big Happy Family... Or Is It?

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A few days after Christmas, just 2 days from the end of the year, Josh was woken up in the middle of the night by 2 things. One, his phone flashing with a message, and two, Cassie violently throwing up in the bathroom. As he let his girl do what she had to, he looked at the two messages on his phone. One was from Cassie's mum, and the other from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Josh, it's Jessica. We need to talk, and soon. Call me when you can.

He then replied to Jessica's message with a stern expression.

Josh: No chance.

He then read the second message and his eyes went wide open.

Liz: Josh, get you and Cassie dressed, Beth's just gone into labour and she said she wanted you two here.

After looking at the second message, he saw Cassie come out of the bathroom looking much better than before.

Josh: You'd better get dressed.

Cassie: Why the hell would I wanna do that at 3 in the morning?

Josh: Because from what I've been told, your sister is in labour, so get dressed and hop in the car, the hospital isn't that far away.

The two then got ready and rushed to the hospital, where they found Jonathan waiting.

Jonathan: Hey you two. Sorry we had to wake you up, your mum insisted.

Cassie: It's okay, Dad.

Cassie hugged her dad, while Josh and Jon shared a handshake.

Josh: Good to see you again.

Jonathan: Yeah, you too. Sorry we didn't invite you to Christmas this year too.

Josh: Oh, that's okay, no worries.

Jonathan: Well, your presents from us are in our car. Remind me to give them to you before you go.

After a short walk, they arrived at the room where the rest of the family was. Beth's boyfriend Connor, Liz, Kieran and a stressed looking Beth all greeted them before she suddenly felt an urge to push.

Beth: Oh god, this is it!

Connor: Keep pushing baby, it'll be worth it.

A doctor and a nurse soon turned up after hearing Beth's screams of pain. After half an hour of solid pushing, Beth and Connors baby made its first appearance. The doctor gave Connor the chance to cut the cord, which he did with the biggest smile on his face. After the baby was wrapped up, they were handed to Beth.

Beth: My sweet baby boy...

Connor: Sure took his time getting here, but it was worth the wait.

Josh: So, you two thought about names?

Beth: Actually, Josh, me and Connor were thinking, and we want to name him Josh.

Josh was flabbergasted.

Cassie: You want to call the baby... Josh?

Josh: Ahh, why not? Josh is a great name.

The family all nodded in agreement as the doctor was then asked to take the photo of everyone there, which they did.

Doctor: Congratulations.

Liz: Thank you, Doctor.

As the doctor left, Cassie pulled Josh aside.

Cassie: Babe, there's something on my mind...

Josh: Which is?

Cassie: Well, it's just, after seeing all this and what's happened here, I think the time is right to tell them about our own baby.

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