Changing Into Something Else

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The following week, Josh was prepping himself to face Jimmy, while Cassie had some worry in her expression.

Cassie: I'm just a little concerned... Who knows what those two could do to you? I want you as fit as possible for Mania...

Josh then gripped her shoulders and smiled at his girlfriend to try and calm her down.

Josh: Babe... Trust me when I say that everything's gonna be okay... Whatever happens in my match tonight, just let it happen, and worry about me after.

The two then kissed before their heads met, with Cassie speaking from the heart.

Cassie: It's just that... You meant so much to me all those years ago, and you mean even more to me now, and I'd hate to see you suffer. I love you too much to let anything happen to you. Just... do me a favour.

Josh: Which is?

Cassie: Win those tag titles with Jeff at Wrestlemania... do whatever it takes.

Josh: For you, babe...

They kissed once more before Josh finished his sentence.

Josh: ... I'd do anything.

Jeff then knocked on the door, signalling it was time for Josh to go. Cassie then gave him one last hug before she went to gorilla and watched it all on the monitor.

Cassie: I love you.

Josh: I love you too, babe.

Josh then headed for gorilla with Jeff as Cassie watched them walk away. While she was staring, Leah then came from nowhere and surprised her.

Leah: Hey girl, I saw you staring just there!

Cassie: Oh, hey, Leah! I have every right to stare now though... Now he's mine...

Leah: True... Now, you coming with me to catering?

Cassie: Nah, I'm gonna watch at gorilla, don't worry. I'll be okay.

Leah: Fair dos, I'm not gonna stop you.

She smiled before turning the other way and heading off to catering. So Cassie then left for gorilla to watch Josh's match, which he won with a roll-up after Jimmy missed a splash attempt.

Greg: Here is your winner, Josh Stevens!

Before Jeff could go and celebrate though, he took a title belt shot from Jey, who was furious with the result. While Jimmy was complaining to the ref, Jey then got in the ring and gave a title belt shot to Josh too, before he then picked him up and both of them hit a super kick. And just incase that wasn't enough...

Tom: What on earth are the Usos doing now?

Corey: I'll tell you guys, they're sending a message to their challengers for Wrestlemania.

Byron: What on earth has gotten into the Usos?

They both grabbed a steel chair each and then dragged both Josh and Jeff into the middle of the ring, laying them next to each other. They put one chair underneath their bodies while the other went on top. They then climbed to the top rope and for the second week in succession, hit the Double Uce on Josh and Jeff, with the chairs maximising the impact. Cassie could only watch in horror as she noticed Josh's body had not moved a muscle since being hit with the splashes. She was whispering to herself and wishing for the best.

Cassie: Please be okay... please be okay...

When the cameras cut off, Josh and Jeff were helped to the back by medical personnel, who, after checking them both, said that Josh had got away with just some minor brusing to their mid section and Jeff with some minor back pain. She saw Jeff leave and smiled at him, and then went in to see Josh.

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