An Unexpected Twist

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The morning after Smackdown, Cassie and Josh were still worried about what went down the previous night. Cassie couldn't get the thought of being pregnant out of her head, while Josh was thinking about what Cathy said and did. He now had to explain things to Cassie honestly, and how to do it. Luckily for him, he was the first one awake so he could make breakfast and some coffee for them both. While waiting for the kettle to boil, he noticed a message from Cathy on his phone.

Cathy: Hey gorgeous, really enjoyed that kiss last night! Just wanted to say that I miss you. Hope you've had some time to think about what I said too! Mwah!😘

Josh banged his hand against the table in frustration once he read it. Luckily it wasn't enough to wake up Cassie, but he was still frustrated, so he replied almost immediately.

Josh: What happened last night was a mistake, it shouldn't have happened. I think it's best if you just stay away from both me and Cassie, especially in the state she's in at the moment.

He felt happy he had that situation under control, for the time being at least. He then made some French toast and coffee and headed back to the bedroom, where Cassie was beginning to stir.

Josh: Morning, my Sleeping Beauty! How you feeling after last night?

Cassie groaned at first but then smiled a little at the sound of her boyfriend's voice and began to wake up properly.

Cassie: Morning... Ugh, I feel like I've got a hangover...

Josh: Well I made some French toast, hopefully that'll make you feel a little better!

Cassie: You always know the way to my heart babe... I LOVE French toast!

He gave her a smile before taking a deep breath and deciding to tell her the truth about what happened with Cathy.

Josh: So, listen... There's something that was bugging me what happened last night...

Cassie had a look of worry on her face.

Cassie: This isn't about our Mixed Match Challenge loss, is it?

Josh: No, no, I'm fine with that. It's just... When Cathy interviewed me, she said... That you were no good for me and... she also kissed me.

Cassie then got even more worried.

Cassie: W-what? She... KISSED you?

Josh: I tried telling her that you were always the one for me but she just wouldn't listen. She said I'd be better off with her. Obviously I didn't believe her and I didn't kiss her back. I mean... I barely even talk to her...

Josh looked worried, but when he saw Cassie with a little smirk on her face, he then began to get a little confused.

Cassie: Believe me, babe... If you kissed her back, I'd be royally pissed off with you, but after you explained the whole thing, and when you said that I'm the only girl for you, it's hard to stay mad at you. It's Cathy I'm mad at for trying something with my man. Believe me, on Smackdown next week, she'll regret even laying a finger on you.

Josh couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he then hugged Cassie and kissed her for all he was worth.

Cassie: Speaking of sharing secrets... I feel like I should tell you mine about why I was ill. All night I struggled to sleep, and I still don't feel right. It was only when I did get to sleep that I began to realise what it could be.

Josh: Was it something you ate?

Cassie: If only it was that.

She then grabbed both of Josh's hands and held them tightly as she took a deep breath and came out with her secret.

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