Utter Perfection

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Over the next few days, all Cassie could think about was how well Josh had helped her. Thanks to him, she had overcome her personal problems from the night of the Royal Rumble and even though Jessica fired a verbal pipe bomb at her on Smackdown, Cassie overcame her emotions and got through it with her man... even if Josh did pick up a nasty elbow shot from her on the way! It was now Saturday, and Josh had organised something quite special for his girlfriend. He had been up for hours planning it, while Cassie was still in dreamworld, fast asleep.

Josh: Okay... so that's a table for 2 at 8pm tonight. Thanks a lot.

After he had finished on the phone, he then set about making Cassie's favourite breakfast, a ham and cheese omelette, with sausages and bacon on the side. The moment the bacon began to sizzle in the pan, it unleashed an aroma of delicious smells, to which Cassie was beginning to smell. She then woke up, feeling tired after the live event victory the previous night, in which she teamed up with Josh and Jeff, to face Jessica and The Bar, with Cassie even performing a Swanton Bomb on Jessica to win the match.

Cassie: Josh? Babe?

She slowly got out of bed, wearing just her blue bra and panties, put on her robe and then began to take in the smells, coming from the kitchen. She could only assume that Josh was making breakfast, in his trademark look, of no shirt and just a pair of jogging bottoms. She peeked out of the door, while Josh wasn't looking. She then sneakily made her way to the kitchen to surprise her boyfriend. Josh himself got a sudden shock when he felt a pair of soft hands wrap around his body.

Josh: Ahh, morning babe.

Cassie: Morning to you too, handsome. What you doing?

Josh: Just making breakfast. And since we won at the live event last night, you deserve a special treat.

Cassie: Wait... is that a ham and cheese omelette?

Josh: Yep! With sausages and bacon on the side! You hungry?

Cassie: Well, this is my favourite breakfast, so you betcha!

She then kissed his cheek as she made herself a drink, and then got comfortable on the sofa. Josh couldn't help but slap her ass on the way past, bringing a cheeky grin to Cassie's face.

Josh: Okay babe, breakfast's ready!

Cassie then jumped up to her feet and made her way to the kitchen counter, where she saw the most amazing omelette she had ever seen.

Cassie: Wow babe, this looks even more amazing than I thought!

Josh: Well, I always want the best for my Princess. Speaking of which, I have a big day planned for you today... Cos you deserve it.

Cassie: Really? What do you have planned?

Josh just gave her a smirk and a wink before answering.

Josh: If I told you, it would ruin the surprise I have planned for later... So all will be revealed throughout the day!

Cassie: Meh, fair enough...

After breakfast, Cassie decided on what she wanted to wear, as she was going for an all out black clothed look. Black leather jacket, black shirt, black leggings, and black boots. And when she re-emerged from the bedroom, Josh was taken aback by the sight before him.

Josh: Holy you-know-what!

Cassie: What? Have I got something on my shirt?

Josh: No, not that! It's just... you look sensational!

Cassie: Oh, come on, you're just saying that...

Josh: No, I'm not! You look like the most beautiful woman on the planet! Actually, scrap that... Cos in my mind, you ARE the most beautiful woman on the planet!

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