25. jealous Boyfriends - 3

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A/N : It's a triple update. Plz read chapter 23 and 24 before it.

That is enough warning.


A clean shaven Kong and Arthit snuggled close on Kong's bed.

" Love.... Why didn't you read the cards ? " Arthit asked pointing at the small heap of get well soon cards.

" It was hard..... I never loved them the way they loved me. Even the orphanage kids ..... I used to go there to teach for peace of my mind.... Not because I wanted to do social service or I loved teaching or even serving the orphanage..... I did started loving it afterwards but stilll.... their love and affection is too pure... too innocent... I...
I feel undeserving of  this affection bestowed on me ..... Even your friends - "

Arthit interrupted his speech " Our friends. In my eyes you are always deserving of all the love, affection and care in the world. But if you think you have not invested enough efforts in these relationships, you can always work for them.... And do what will make you think you are equally giving the love you recieve.."

Kong nodded " let's see what we have. "

Arthit brought up the pile on bed. Majority of get well soon cards were made by kids Kong tutored in orphanage.... Arthit wrapped an arm around Kong's shoulder and snuggled close, he read all the cards to Kong one by one. When he read the card written by five year old, Kong sobbed aloud

" I really don't deserve this love and affection "

It read

' Dear Phi Kong,

P'Tay said you are sick. Please get well soon. Close your eyes when doctor comes with a needle, remember what you told me " Be Brave, don't run away. Face it. ". It will hurt but it will make you healthy.

I am praying for you daily. We all are. P'Tay told me not to tell you, he prays for you daily too. He says he started believing in God since you came. Don't tell him I tell this to you.

Tee and I want to become like you and teach everyone at orphanage when I get old. We miss you. I am a good boy now, I don't take An's chocolates. P'Tay says God will listen to my prayers soon because I am a good boy now. Please come to ' Happy Home' soon. We miss you.

- Max

P'Achara helped me write this letter.

P.S : P'Tay is a cry baby.( Don't tell him ) . I saw him crying when he heard about you but I didn't cry because I am a  strong boy like you told us to be. Life is hard, we must be harder to defeat .


" They love you a lot "  Arthit remarked.

" Hmm, They do. Once I am out of the hospital, I will try best to be someone they could look up to. " Arthit pecked his cheek.    " you already are. Wanna open the gifts ? "

" Sure" Kong nodded.

Arthit unwrapped the gifts. Most of the gifts were Kong's graduation presents given by seniors  from Astrophysics department and economics department. It included Books on astrophysics, three watches, one leather bound diary and presents as such. A heavy rectangular box with no name drew Kong's attention

" There's no name ! Open it, may be they have written their name inside. " Kong told Arthit.

Arthit took out the box wrapped in green giftpaper from the pile. It was heavy. Unwrapping, he took out the plastic box.          ' Love Jenga' was engraved on top.

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