16. A shadow from Past

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Rubbing his eyes Kong woke up, his lips were parched, sliding out of his bed he half opened his eyes instantly squinting them to adjust to the brightness of the room. Peeking open his eyes to a sliver he slowly adjusted his pupils to bright light filtering in the room,moving his eyes around the room  he found Arthit awake . The said male was bent over his notes, brows furrowed, cap of pen lightly held between corner of his lips while his eyes stared at the notes. An empty bottle of pink milk was kept at corner of table while few wrappers of chocolate bars were thrown near Arthit's leg while two were still kept unopened beside the book. 

Turning his neck, Kong took a quick glance at the clock kept on his bedside table.It displayed 2 AM. Seriously? Is he going to  pull an all nighter or what? Kong walked to the mini fridge kept in the corner and took out a water bottle.  Taking few sips he walked up to Arthit who was still unaware of the footsteps approaching him.

This exam is the first time Kong had seen Arthit so deeply immersed in some thing that too  study. Though it is exam time and it is natural trying to maintain a deep focus, Kong was sure that's how Arthit study - forgetting the world around him. Beacuse in normal thing Arthit had attention span of a child, even less and if that would be enough for his grades then Kong would had have to worry. This sight of engrossed Arthit made him realise there were still many things he didn't know about his faen and vice versa.

There was still matter of his revenge goal and family history  that he needed to tell arthit. Surely he was not planning a murder of Thaksirat or something but half of the stuff he did or more accurately he masterminds is nowhere even near to legal and he is aware of that. He plans to tell Arthit though in very near future, actually in less than a week if fate allows so. Last time he had planned to take Arthit to his family home on his birthday and then tell him everything but then his mom visited and at the end of the day there was no time left to make a 3 hour drive back and forth and still attend school next day. But he is determine to find time after Arthit,s exam and tell him everything. 

Walking up to his boyfriend, he put a hand on his shoulder who instantly got startled and turned his neck towards him, seeing Kong standing near him with water bottle Arthit sighed
" Oh Kong, it's you! " exclaimed Arthit.

"Who were you expecting ? There are only two of us in the room and it's locked, ofcourse it will only be me. "

" Isn't necessary." Arthit retorted.

" How so ? "

Arthit looked at him with blank expression but kept his mouth shut . Sighing Kong put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, mustering a grave look of seriousness on his face, he addressed his boyfriend

" Arthit khrap if it's third entity, other than you and me, they call your names three times na Khrap. You just don't answer "

Arthit stared blank at him for few seconds before bursting in anger
" What the hell Ai Kong ? It's 2 AM. Do you wanna give me heart attack or something? Just go to bed"

Kong guffawed at his outburst , " Okay, Okay.  Sorry na khrap. "

Moving his chair to face him, Arthit glided his hands on his chest
" Not satisfied " he said in his hazer voice.

Kong did a sit-up " Sorry na Ai oon. "

" Five more Kongpob and do proper full sit ups not these half squats. Don't they teach you anything at your department ? "  Arthit barked.

Kong chuckled at Arthit's antics.

Arthit was in full hazer mode, rolling his notes in a cylinder he gently hit his boyfriend's shoulder with it.

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