13.Stuck on you

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One week has passed since his birthday, since the day Kong became his boyfriend, his lover .

Not much has changed, they still bicker, Kong still spend little time in their room or with him. But whenever Kong is with Arthit it feels like Arthit is the only person that exists, every other thing fades. It's like they teleport to their own world . Arthit feels so special, he feels like if he would have known Kong is such amazing boyfriend he would have proposed him long time ago.

Arthit is a touchy feely person, a social butterfly, he needs hugs, laugh and compliments on daily basis to assure himself, to feel loved, and in this one week of time he has got high on all of that. Kong even let him slip in his bed, though he isn't a fan of cuddling, and their bed being small doesn't help at all. Secretly Arthit  is glad that bed is small, it provides him excuse use Kongpob's arm as his pillow.

Talking about Kong, he looked stressed these days. He again has exams in five weeks, five weeks is long time for a normal student but not  for  Kong . Kong needs to maintain his first rank in class, for scholarship and for his own sanity. Arthit knows how much value Kong puts in his study.

He already has each second of upcoming five weeks planned. Arthit is a bit sad because there is next  to no slot for night chats on rooftop or for making out in Kong's timetable. Kong being a stickler for discipline, there is no way he would sneak in even few minutes of  time for such frivolities in his timetable.

Arthit should make a timetable too, because he too has exam that too in just two weeks time. But every time he makes a timetable he can never follow it. He isn't a schedule type of guy. Spontaneity suits him much better. Kongpob-

" Kongpob - " someone said , Arthit was instantly jerked out of his musing, he turned his neck to window so fast it's a miracle it didn't break, glow of hope on his face instantly faded seeing there was no one entering through the window.

He got  tricked! Again!

Damn, his friends!

It has become running joke between them to call Kongpob's name out of the blue whenever they are alone. And hearing Kongpob's name he turns his eyes  towards  Kong's regular entrance way, every single time!  Arthit should have learned his lesson, but gets lured by this bait again and again.

He could listen Bright giggling at his misery, Prem snorting. Toota has his head down, he was still, but slight shaking of his shoulders gave him away. Only person not laughing at him was Knot who had his nose planted in notes.

Arthit glared at his traitor friends,it didn't deter them at all. Instead their quite laughter  got loud.

Knot raised his head hearing their laughter, he shook his head helplessly at the sight of  his friends laughing and Arthit shooting daggers at them with his eyes 

" Were you again in your dreamland Ai Oon? You can't keep thinking about Kongpob all the time. This assignment is not going to do itself. Besides exams are in two weeks. We still have  shitload of notes to revise." Knot reminded.

If Arthit agrees that he was spaced out , he will be teased mercilessly , not even Knot will spare him. He defended himself in high pitch
" What are you even saying about? I am doing assignment with full concentration ? "

" Really ?" Knot grabbed his assignment which had  a heart drawn on borders " It looks more like you are writing love letter to Proff. Thorat." Knot crumpled the paper and threw it in the dustbin. " At this rate , you will not be even in top ten Ai Oon " Knot said exasperated.

Prem snorted " Arthit, chill dude.  you are behaving like a teenager who got his first faen ( boyfriend ) . Get Kongpob out of your head. "

" But he is my first faen "

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