21. Two roads

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Arthit gaped at the chip as if it was bomb.
" What do we have here ? " smirking, Bright took out the chip from its slot.

" A SD card ! So cool ! Arthit , your Kongpob is a detective or what ? " He exclaimed investigating the chip in light.

" Give it back Ai Bright " Arthit yelled. He doesn't know why his heart was racing miles a minute, he had ominous feeling about it.

" What's all this Ai Arthit ? " Knot asked, worry lines etched on his forehead.

" Nothi- "

" It's okay if you don't want to tell us, At least don't lie " Knot spat.

Watching his friend's glowering face Arthit was in dilemma whether to tell them or not. Would it be a breach in trust if he tells them ? It was totally Kongpob's secret which he had shared with so much trust. Heaving a deep sigh, Arthit takes his hand through his hair
" Sorry Ai Knot it's not my secret to share. "

Knot nodded in understanding "I understand. But, Ai Arthit, don't get involved in some shady business even for love. It's not worth it. "

Arthit shook his head to acknowledge Knot's concern.

" Ai Bright he told you to return it. Didn't he ? " Knot chided, when he saw Bright connecting the card reader with laptop.

" Ai Arthit let's see what it contains. " Bright clapped his hand, eager to click on the video displayed on the screen of the laptop.

" Bright , no. It's Knongpob's . We can't invade his privacy like that. " Arthit chided.

" But- "

Ignoring Bright's complains , Arthit shut down the laptop.

With racing heart and sweating palms Arthit was dialling Kong's number. Kong didn't pick up. He kept trying, he had this guy feeling that something was wrong.

" Where are you Kongpob? " Arthit whispered to himself, feeling hopeless and defeated after calling Kongpob continuously for umpteenth time.

His heart was telling him something was just not right.


Kongpob wandered aimlessly around the city, he didn't want to return to campus yet. He needs to calm down his mind and think for a solution before he will meet Thaksirat.

He still had one day before he will meet Thaksirat. He now realised mistakes of his ways. As Arthit said his destination was correct but the way he used to reach it was flawed. Speaking of Arthit, he will have to somehow protect Arthit from all this. His greatest mistake was to take Arthit to Suthiluck mansion. At first Sam was on his side but as soon as he uttered about giving Thaksirat a chance to prove his innocence he flipped. Kong didn't know what to do now. Who does he have on his side ?

His mobile vibrated in his pocket, taking out Kongpob gritted his teeth when he saw Sam's name flashing on the screen. Kongpob ignored the call. Sam called again, Kong didn't pick up. Kong gritted his teeth in annoyance when Sam kept calling continuosly even though for last half an hour Kong was ignoring the call.

Gritting his teeth in extreme irritation Kong took out his mobile to switch it off.

'Kong I know you are angry, Please pick up the call '
Sam's text flashed on the screen .

Clenching his fingers in a fist, Kong called him
" No matter however hard you try I will not break up with Arthit, I will find a way to sort this out. " He almost yelled as soon as call was picked up

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