20. Trapped

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After dropping Arthit at the University Kongpob went to Chanagun residence to return the car. Though it was technically his car, since it was a birthday gift Kongpob seldom used it. Parking the car in garage, he climbed the stairs to the room on first floor which served as Sam's office too.

" Sawatdee Khrap P'Sam " Kongpob greeted Sam who was keenly studying a file .

Closing the file Sam put it aside and greeted Kongpob " Sawatdee Nong, any message from Thaksirat ? "

" No. "

" What have you decided? You are going to meet him ? "

" Yes." Kong nodded " He keeps saying he has evidences of his innocence in matter of my parent's death. "

Sam leaned back in his chair and looked straight at Kongpob " He can lie Nong. He had killed Nat's sister, his own wife. Shouldn't be hard to plan another murder "

Kong nodded " It is possible that he is lying P'Sam. I am banking on the fact that may be he is speaking truth P'Sam, he was really against the Greece trip when my father proposed it."

Sam clasped his fingers together " I see. "

Taking out car keys from his pocket, Kong slid it on the table towards Sam" Here your car keys. "

Sam took the car keys . " Why did you need car suddenly ? "

Kong raised an eyebrow in surprise, it's unlikely for Sam to question him like this
" Personal reasons. " He responded.

" Seeing someone ? "

Kong clenched his teeth " No. "

Sam raised an eyebrow in clear mockery " Are you sure ? "

Kong stared straight in his eyes "Yes ". He lied through his teeth. He didn't want anyone to know about Arthit.

" You are not seeing someone, then what the fuck is this Kongpob ? " Sam yelled throwing the pictures on the desk. Shell-shocked, with eyes ready to bug out of socket, Kongpob watched the mosaic of pictures lying on the table. His and Arthit's face painted in all of them - sitting in the garden, walking , laughing , eating and kissing ! Everything they did yesterday was printed on photos infront of him.

Rage took over as the surprise waned off " You dared to spy on me on my territory ?" Kong fumed " That is my house P'Sam, my territory, no one is allowed to enter it, much less spy on me, that was part of the deal "

Sam met his glare with one of his own.

" Don't teach me about keeping words Kongpob, it was nowhere mentioned that you won't be watched upon when you enter your house. You know we have eyes on you, you know you are followed everywhere. You are lucky these photos reached me first instead of Khun Por or you would have been accused of breaking the deal. You know what happen to those who don't honour a deal made with Khun Por, don't you ? "

Kong clenched his fist at open threat. " Deal was to provide with a way that your company gains will increase by 20%. I have yet to attain my graduation in order to work for your company, besides the last plan of sabotaging the launch of Thaksirat's AAA game project landed you many clients and your gains are increased by 10%. I'm fulfilling my end of deal. "

Sam chuckled, amused at Kongpob's naivity

" You know conditions must be clearly mentioned for you to claim a breach of them, there was no mention of not meddling with your private life. You Kongpob are a resource for Chanagun industry to gain more and if anything keeps you away from that, you will be get rid of. you know that very well. All the conditions that aren't mentioned clearly are fair game for both the parties to take advantage of. People even find loopholes in clearly stated conditions. This is business world Kongopob, the world of profit and losses, nothing is black or white here. "

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