23. Jealous Boyfriends -1

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It has been two months and a week since accident. They visited P'Sam and P'Nat day before yesterday, they had stayed there only for fifteen minutes since Kong still couldn't walk or support himself in standing for more than minute.

Doctors has estimated three more weeks of hospital stay before he could be discharged, he will have to continue his physiotherapy and light exercises for approximately four more months.

" Kong, I'm going to college. Wisit will be here in fifteen minutes. " Arthit informed a half sleepy Kong, he kissed the sleeping male's forehead and slung his bag on his shoulder.

Arthit doesn't like Wisit anywhere near Kongpob. That kid is just too friendly and informal with Kongpob, he banters, teases, scolds Kong like he owns him. Relationship of Kong and Wisit doesn't look like student and tutor, not even a bit. And it irks Arthit, but he has no option than leaving Kong in Wisit's care.

P'Suzy visits Kong regularly but she can't stay with Kong for half the day, she has her job. His friend and him has classes. Wisit is free since he is preparing for entrance exam, he brings his books in hospital and study while staying beside Kongpob. Wisit says it's convenient because he can clear his doubts with Kong's help.

But that damn kid never asks doubts, instead he cracks jokes, makes Kongpob laugh and argues with him. He always distracts Kong from gloomy thoughts and Arthit is extremely jealous of that. Why didn't God grace him with good sense of humor too? What is the use of this handsome face and genius brain , if he can't distract Kong from his sad thoughts? And this Wisit fellow looks like he has his claws on Ai Kong.

These two months had been hectic on Arthit, he had returned to hostel only to take baths and change clothes in first week of Kong's hospital stay.

After a week when it was clear that Kong will survive and need to stay in hospital for a prolonged period for his recovery, Arthit had made hospital his temporary home. He ate, bathed, slept at hospital itself. Though there were people volunteering to look after Kong, he stayed by Kong's side himself for whole period of his recovery. He has every intention to stay by Kong's side for whatever remaining time he will spend in hospital. He doesn't trust Kong to anyone. Though Arthit had protested against his friends staying with him but one of his friend is always accompanies him, never leaving him alone. He is greatful for that.

No matter how much Arthit wanted to stay by Kong's side 24/7 , but he will have to complete 75% attendance if he wants to sit for second year final semester. And Kong too insisted he attend college. Arthit didn't want Kong feeling guilty so he obliged, he attends lectures but half his mind still resides in the hospital near Kong. Everyone who sees Arthit says , Arthit is looking deathly pale. Even proffesor Suda is not throwing chalks at Arthit when sometimes he isn't paying attention or sleeps in the lecture.

Since last two weeks Kong is more or less conscious and unsedated. And for last fourteen days, whenever they talk , they fall in to argument.Topic of  argument being Arthit's hospital stay. Kong doesn't want Arthit to stay nights at hospital and Arthit absolutely changes the topic whenever Kong raised his concern.

Arthit once again kissed Kong's forehead
" Bye, I'll be here at 3:00. I have only one afternoon lecture today" he whispered.

" Arthit" Kong mumbled.

Arthit held Kongpob's right hand in his own two hands. " Do you need something Ai Kong ? Are you afraid staying alone ? I'll stay till Wisit arrives."

Kong shook his head in refusal and turned his neck towards Arthit " I need you to take care of yourself. Stay at hostel at least today Arthit, you haven't seen a bed in two months. " Kong pleaded, his voice groggy from sleep.

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