24. Jealous Boyfriends- 2

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A/N : It's a triple update please read chapter 23 before this.


Arthit had just left his room, none too happy at that. Kong isn't happy making Arthit angry but Arthit needs to take care of himself, he hadn't moved from his side since Kong was hospitalized. Arthit is looking more and more like a shell of a person he was. And obviously Kong isn't happy with that. Then there is the guilt of holding Arthit back, if not for him Arthit would be attending classes from day 1. Even now he attends only those are necessary to fulfill required percentage of attendance.

In these days of his ailment Kong came to know how many people actually cared for him, and there were far more than he ever thought of. His side table was piled up with 'get well soon cards' and his graduation gifts. He had got his bachelor's degree in economics in absentia.

He had not opened even one of the gifts, he didn't have courage to. After years of thinking you are alone, how could you cope up with this enormous amount of  love and good wishes bestowed upon you at once ?

Arthit's love and devotion towards him is unparalled, he is ever thankful to the almighty power who crossed his paths with Arthit.

Arthit is a deep sleeper, whenever he sleeps he is dead to happenings of outside world. Kong is aware of number of sleepless nights Arthit had spent looking after him, just to ensure he would be by Kong's side the moment he moaned in pain or woke up in cold sweat due to horrifying nightmares haunting his sleep. Arthit is wrecking his own sleep day after day to look after Kong, he isn't ready to listen to his mom or friends who are volunteering to stay with Kong at night so Arthit can sleep without constant worry. 

Whenever Kong tries to address the matter of Arthit's declining health later absolutely changes the topic by pretending to be angry or throwing some silly tantrum or he totally laughs it away. Trying his best to distract Kong and soothe the guilt he feels.

How could Kong ever parallel such fierce sense of protectiveness and love?

Then there are Seniors from astrophysics, economics and business Ad and few classmates who flocked to visit him on the very day doctors gave a green signal to general visitors. Not to mention P'Mook and Arthit's friends, they too were with Arthit since first day. Kong didn't even realised how he was automatically integrated in to Arthit's gang of friends. Prem and Knot had told him too many times that they were here for Kong and not for Arthit's boyfriend. Kong is amazed and grateful to their sense of camardire.

Speaking of people coming to visit him, he was especially surprised when his orphanage students paid him a visit. He was showered with tender kisses on cheek and handmade cards of get well soon P'Kong. It was impossible not to tear up at this innocent expression of love. And though his other student didn't visit him but Wisit is regular day time visitor. He insisted staying nights too but Arthit and his friends opposed the idea since Wisit had his exams in two months.

While Kong is ever grateful to Wisit for offering to stay with him and convincing Arthit to attend classes , he couldn't help but feel Wisit is here for Arthit.

The kid is always eagerly waiting for the time when Kong's future engineer walks in the hospital room  with one of his friend in tow after their last class in uni, the glow on Wisit's face is blinding. Wisit had openly praised Arthit's looks more than once and obviously later has smiled all too happy, hugging and patting Wisit's head affectionately.

Kong needs to stand on his feet ASAP and Wisit needs to go out of picture as soon as possible.

Speak of the devil ...

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