30. Patch-up

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" If that's what you want. I promise. "
Kong forced the words out before climbing down the bed and silently searching for his clothes strewn all over the room. After slipping in his clothes  he wordlessly passed Arthit a fresh pair of T-shirt and shorts from the cupboard which other took in without complaint.

Leaving Arthit to his own devices, Kongpob walked over to his side of window, cautiously opening it without sound so as to not alert the security downstairs. When the window finally opened up , he sat on the ledge, ready to step on to the branch of tree reaching out to the window.

He felt a backwards tug, a quick turn of neck revealed Arthit  grabbing on collar of his shirt " What the fuck are you doing ? Want to break your leg? " Came the angry whisper.

Kongpob wanted to loosen Arthit's grip on his shirt and climb on the tree anyway. He needed a refuge, some place to collect himself . These last few hours has been rollercoaster of emotions. Excitement, happiness,lust, love, hurt , pain , disappointment all mixed in bittersweet concoction Kong was trying but finding hard to swallow down.

This was supposed to be the night to remember, to make sweet memories that they will cherish till they could make more memories together.

Instead their time together was getting tangled in misunderstandings arising from mis-communication.

Arthit tugged on his collar again, Kongpob reluctantly climbed down the ledge " I need a moment. "

Arthit nodded in understanding " Don't do anything stupid, you are still healing. "  he left Kongpob with these words.

Kongpob took a deep breath, watching the night sky, taking in the familiar sight. It brings him peace. It felt childish to say it out loud but his heart believed there are his parents ,somewhere on the night sky, watching him, guiding him.

He hopes to make them proud, make Arthit proud to have him as a partner. He had always looked up to his parents. In his memory, they are eternal couple with relationship goals. He hopes to see the  glow of love and pride in Arthit's eyes, same as his mother had for his father. He hopes to have same blissful family life his parents had.

Kongpob swallowed thickly, his throat was constricted , making it hard to swallow his own saliva. Memories has always been hard on him, every time he thinks of his parents he couldn't help but think about their graves. He doesn't even know their final resting place, he can't even visit them to pay his respects, to lay some flowers on their final resting place.

He felt a hand gently caressing his back before a familiar weight of chin sat atop his shoulder. Arthit wound his arms around his waist

" They are proud of you Kongpob. " Arthit whispered near his ear, his warm breath caressing Kongpob's cheek.

Kongpob exhaled heavily " I hope so. "

" It's 3:30 A.M. you should take a nap. " Arthit suggested.

Kongpob threw a last look at the night sky where two stars in his eyesight were twinkling extraordinary brilliant. Silently, he followed Arthit to bed, he knows they need to talk but he doesn't know how should he initiate.

Arthit had calmed down but he doesn't want to take chances . Should Arthit's calm be temporary, they will have a full on argument on their hands which he doesn't have time to solve. May be he should let the resting demons lay in peace.


Kongpob laid on the bed, sticking to his side. Hostel bed was small, but they still had whole space between them where one more person could fit easily.

Arthit laid with his eyes closed but sleep was miles away. One thing was clear, they had lot to talk, lot to figure out . They were strong in shelter but a little rain had started to chip away their bond. Their differences had starting to show up already.

Sotus:Poles Apart [ Complete] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora