8.End Game

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Age 18

Though earlier Kong had alloted hostel room, most of his time was spent at P'Nat's apartment. But after the incident he didn't return there, he was not brave enough to face the emotional turmoil that bubbled up even at the name of P'Nat.
' I have failed you P'Nat, I wasn't selected. I came second. I lost.' His mind supplied single thought repeatedly like a broken cassette would sing same song.

'Arthit Rojanapat' he wrote on a piece of paper to drop it in his file of failures. He had a habit of preserving tokens or certificates of his failure,it reminds him to not repeat the same mistake. He had every failure saved up in his file to fuel him up to perform his best because KongPob Suthiluck hate losing.

He firmly pushed the thought of P'Nat and the scholarship at the back of his mind and stood up. Time to grab life by its lapel.

Kong couldn't believe seeing the paper stuck on the door of his room

Room No-106
Kongpob Suthiluck
Arthit Rojanapat

Wow, fate always had a way to fuck him up. Now he will have to face his defeat every damn minute.
Dumping both his suitcases under the bed Kong barged out of the room to eat.

Kong sat at a table furthest from crowd. He liked this restaurant since it has cozy, homely feeling and less crowd than normal since it was a bit far from campus.

" Your regular order Nong? " the old lady and owner asked him.

" Yes, Phi "

"I don't know what is bothering you today but don't loose hope Nong. Everything happens for the best." The old lady smiled at him.

Kong nodded his head. 'How is him losing the scholarship is for best?'

Kong felt his mobile vibrating in his pant pocket, P'Suzy P'Sam's secretary was calling him. Apparently P'Sam was in a near by bar drinking himself to death.

He groaned pinching bridge of his nose. Does everything have to happen today?
Kong paid for his uneaten meal and sped towards the bar on his bike.

He picked up P'Sam from the bar and dropped him at his home in his car. Then came back to bar for his bike and finally returned towards his room to have much needed sleep.... If only a man could get everything he wish!

Kong marched up to the bed and fell face first on it, he stayed like that couple of minutes but couldn't relax his mind wandering at the speed of light. He decided to read a book, he flipped open his favourite book and was actually reading until....

" Ummm....Hi I am Arthit.....Are you Kongpob? " A hesitant voice fell on his ears.
' Arthit!!!!!!' his mind screamed.

" Yes" Kong supplied with a stoic face.

" We are roommates. " Arthit stated.
'Seriously! Did you think we are camping for the night here? I would have been escastic if that was the case' Kong was screaming in his mind. Keep cool he told himself.

" That's what I saw pasted on the door in capitals ." Kong replied because it was more polite then what was in his mind.

The guy on the other bed was silent for few minutes. " It's nice to meet you Kongpob."

'Really won't he give up ? If it's his definition of nice then this guy is totally nuts!' Kong thought.

" Really? How so?" Kong intentionally used a bit of sarcastic intonation. 'just give up man '

" I am sorry Kongpob. "

" What for Arthit ?" This time Kong didn't even have to think, he replied sincerely . Arthit had done nothing wrong. Why was he apologizing?

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