26. Taste of Reality

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Today marks one month of Kongpob's release from hospital. Though he still can't do heavy work  but he is able to do his own daily chores without any help.

Wiping his still wet hairs with a towel , he stepped out of bathroom to wake Arthit up.

" Arthit ...." Sitting on the bed, Kong shook Arthit's shoulder.

"Nghh..." Arthit moaned in protest .

Kongpob again shook him " Wake up Ai oon.... You have class in an hour "

" Five more minutes. " Arthit grumbled in his sleep. Kong tugged in his hand , trying to lift him up in sitting position. Arthit didn't budge even an inch.

" Get up already, you will be late. " He warned, but to no avail. Sitting on the bed Kong grabbed his arms and  pulled Arthit in to sitting position by his arm.

" You are evil " Arthit complained opening his heavy lidded eyes .

Smiling, Kong placed a kiss on his forehead
" Now ? "

" A little less evil " Arthit answered his eyes still sleep probed and  half lidded.

Sliding close, Kong fisted Arthit's hair and tugged it back a little , exposing smooth milky column of his lover's neck to his eyes.

He placed a peck on Arthit's chin and trailed down to his neck, licking and sucking his way to Adam's apple. Placing a final kiss on his Adam's apple , Kongpob met Arthit's gaze

" now ? "

" I'm awake as fuck and you are still evil.. " Arthit answered pecking his nose.

" What did I tell you about swearing first thing in the morning ? " Kong chided .

Smiling wickedly Arthit propped up on his knees and leaned in till Kongpob could feel his breath on his left cheek. " I look forward to the punishment .... Daddy " Arthit whispered in his ear and instantly jumped down the bed, running for the bathroom..

" You come back here.....  ." Kong said with stern tone.

" Can't wate time hearing your lecture first thing in the morning ....I will get late.... Da- " Arthit yelled peeking from the door of the bathroom.

"How many times do I have to say don't say such words first thing in the morning ?" Kong asked exasperated. No matter how many time he tells Arthit to have pure and good thoughts in morning , he always cusses or do something pervy.

He could hear Arthit chuckling I'm the bathroom, sighing, he shook his head. Arthit won't stop his antics ever. Instead he seems to be exaggerating cussing and dirty talking since he had suggested not to do it first thing in the morning.

Smiling, Kong walked to the cupboard. No matter how much he is against it, he actually likes such gestures from Arthit.

Kongpob placed Arthit's ironed uniform on the bed and warmed up their breakfast.

After Arthit came out of the shower, they shared a breakfast which Prem brought to him earlier. Since they had returned from hospital Arthit's friend had taken upon themselves to see they get to eat breakfast in the morning, since Arthit wasn't a morning person, one of the friends brings them breakfast .

After the breakfast, Arthit put dishes in the sink and got ready for his lecture.

Lifting his bag, he  kissed Kong on the cheek  and slung his bag over his shoulder.
" I'll be back at 6: 30 , I have lab today "
Kong nodded.

He locked the door after Arthit went to Uni. He still can't attend his own classes, sitting for hours in a chair is still out of question.

Kong had decided to do an important thing today, that was to see what P'Nat had left for him in the necklace. All this month he didn't have enough courage to do so. He is amused at himself, the boy who didn't even cry at his own parents funeral was hyperventilating at smallest of emotional disturbances in these  last six months.

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