18. Lover's quarrel

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Arthit kept carding his fingers through Kongpob's lush raven hairs. He frowned seeing lines of worry etched on Kongpob's forehead, even in sleep he looked troubled. Arthit had tried his best to let him know that he will always have Arthit through any thick and thin, still Kongpob didn't seem to trust him over smallest of matters. Except a single sentence about manner of his parents' demise Kongpob has never talked about them or anything concerning his life. Heck, it has been almost six months still Arthit doesn't know where does Kongpob go every morning? He has an inkling about his tutoring job but that too didn't come from Kongpob, he had to stalk Kongpob in order to know.

Arthit had always believed in showing his affection and care through action. If someone trust you enough they  will share their worries with you, it is his motto. That is why he doesn't want to stalk or put emotional pressure on Kongpob to know more about him. He had tried all he could think of to show wordless understanding and support, he had even been vocal about it on few occasions, still Kongpob doesn't seem to get the memo or he is simply ignoring Arthit's efforts.

Arthit winced as he felt his legs going numb, he wanted to shift Kongpob on the head but he didn't. Kongpob looked really troubled and he didn't have a heart to take chance if waking him up. Kongpob shifted in his lap and turned on side, Arthit sighed in relief that he can atleast stretch one leg now that Kong had shifted to his left thigh. Arthit moved his eyes in the room to find something he can do in this position to entertain himself. He found an English novel in Kongpob's bed. He sighed staring at the cover of book , he would have preferred to  read a manga but beggars can't be choosers. Once again heaving a deep sigh he threw a glance at his boyfriend sleeping in his lap without a care of the world around him. Smiling, Arthit engrossed himself in the novel.

Kongpob woke up about an hour later
" Sorry, I didn't mean to sleep. Your leg must have gone numb" Kong inquired sitting .

Stretching his legs on the bed, Arthit curled and uncurled his toes.
" It's a bit numb , but it's okay. Are you feeling better now. " Arthit asked.

Kongpob nodded " Yes. Very much."

" Good. " 

Kong silently massaged Arthit's numb limbs to assure the proper blood flow .

An awkward silence filled the room, Arthit wanted to say so many things to Kongpob, to assure Kong that no matter weird his worries he can share them, Arthit will listen the same way Kongpob does to Arthit's problem, without judging.

Arthit initiated a topic which felt less heavy than addressing his worries over Kongpob's secrets , he pointed to the pendant dangling from Kongpob's hands
" I never saw this necklace before "

" It is P'Nat's locket. He gave it to me. "

" Who is P'Nat ? " Arthit tried, but failed to keep jealousy seeping in tone of his enquiry.

Kongpob chuckled " Definitely not who you think "

Arthit had already pondered too much over the fact of Kong being secretive about his past. This comment from Kongpob served as oil in fire
" I don't know anything about you to make opinions about you Kongpob" he instantly retorted.

Arthit realised his mistake after words already fell out of his mouth. " I am sorry " he mumbled.

" Arthit..." Kongpob's voice trailed in air..

" Sorry"

Kong ignored his apology.
" If I ask you to accompany me somewhere, will you come with me without knowing why or where am I going ? "

" Yes" Arthit answered firmly without a second's delay.

Kongpob pulled his bag from  under his bed and took out a jacket ,
"Grab a jacket and come with me then "

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