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" I am already in a relationship" that's what Nin had said.

Arthit felt like a fool for harbouring onesided feelings for whole summer. Why the fuck would you hint a relationship if you already are in one? Apparently because you had a fight and took a break from your previous relationship! Does this mean one can give someone hope just because they felt alone? And then just up and say ' I am really sorry if I gave you such impression. I hope we can remain friends'. Hell no!

Can't you just say you want to be friend. Why would you hint on something more? Subtly talk of a future plans which involved both of you ?

It's not like Arthit is devastated or something but he is hurt nonetheless. He really thought this was love.

Arthit went straight to his room, locked it from inside before he recklessly indulged in universal medicine of heartbreak.

One beer can turned to two .... two to three....... slowly Arthit lost the count of ..... beer cans... lost sense of time.... he was lost to attempts of his friends trying to cheer him up...... lost to resist friend's forcing him to eat.... trying to get him sober. Everything he lost sense of .


Kong yanked Arthit up by his arm and dragged him under shower. He made sure water was ice cold and held the male firmly under the icy jet despite his resistance.

" The fuck Kongpob .... " Arthit yelled .

" Came to your senses yet? I had enough of your melodrama to last me a lifetime. Don't you even think going near a beer bottle or this time I will shove your head in a bucket of ice cold water. Now take a shower. I will be back with soup and some aspirin by then."

Kong had cleaned the room and had Prem buy soup and aspirin for Arthit.

" Here eat this. " Arthit made face seeing bland food staring back at him. " Not even a word..... Eat it " Kong glared. Prem snickered at seeing Arthit obediently picking up the spoon.

Arthit tried to sneak some spice in soup but Kong slapped his hand. Arthit looked like a kicked puppy. Being pampered by both his friends and family he was used to getting his way.

Afternoon went by very fast. That evening Kong and Arthit had dinner together very first time in whole timespan of them rooming together.

" Care to tell me what pushed you in to drinking spree? " Kong initiated conversation over dinner.

" Don't you know? Or are you trying to mock me now ? " Arthit gritted his teeth.

" No such thing. I was genuinely interested in knowing the reason that justified turning our room in a pigsty and yourself in a wine barrel."

Arthit was not in mood to put up with Kong.
" Wow, aren't you a sweet talker? Were you born with this talent or acquired it later? "

Kong wasn't bothered at Arthit's lame attempt of comeback.
" Sarcasm doesn't suit you. Just stick to swearing."

Arthit's bubbling temper flared within seconds " Can't you fuckin talk like a normal person Kongpob. You are getting on my nerves right now."

" Now that you are swearing like a sailor, I assume you are feeling better right now. Care to tell me what happened?"

" You are not going to leave it be right? Fine. She was already with someone. It was all onesided. I made a fool of myself. Happy now?"

Kong was like a stone statue, cold and blank in name of emotions.
" That's it? I thought something serious happened." Kong sighed in relief.

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