28. star filled sky

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After sneaking in to the dorm, they had dinner which they bought on their way to university. The whole ride back and in the whole dinner Arthit stayed silent, uncharacteristically so.... Kongpob didn't force him to speak.

After dinner Arthit held his hand and took him to his bed, with a gentle push of his palm he wordlessly made Kong to lie in the bed and laid beside him. Turning on his side Arthit snuggled in Kong's side , circling his arms around Kongpob's midriff he laid his head on his chest and threw his leg on Kong's, basically wrapping himself on Kong as a boa coils around the tree.

Holding Kong as close as possible, Arthit laid quietly listening to heartbeats of his boyfriend, it felt soothing, almost theraupatic. Kong had one of his hand in Arthit's hairs, stroking it. Arthit closed his eyes,cherishing the feeling of comfort and security only Kongpob's embrace can bring.

Kongpob kept stroking Arthit's hair, trying to comfort him and his worried heart.
Arthit's grip on his torso was tight enough that Kong was feeling uncomfortable, pained even. Arthit was holding on to Kongpob like Kong would disappear any moment, clenching his teeth Kong kept himself from visibly flinching away from Arthit. He knows Arthit would never hurt him on purpose.

It was first time after accident that Arthit wasn't holding him like he is a glass doll that would break any moment . Kong didn't want to make him guilty.

After an hour of silence, Kong took the initiative to talk. No matter how much he would like to stay entangled with Arthit for all the night,they needed to talk..

" Why is my little bear not talking to me? " Kong asked trying to lighten up the mood.

" May be because he is going to bereft of these warm hugs from tomorrow or may be because he is thinking that he would have been left wondering about whereabouts of his boyfriend had he not come fifteen minutes earlier than expected " Arthit spat bitterly. He was still angry that Kongpob didn't tell him early.

" Believe me or not Ai Oon, I was going to tell you the moment I reached there or you call me, whichever came first........I was scared of myself Arthit, it has nothing do with you. Living away from you isn't easy for me too. It's my first time too, just like you "

" But you knew your decision Kong, you had time to get used to it. You didn't give me the same privilege " Arthit retorted. Kong had nothing to counteract that statement because it was reality, Arthit deserved to be told earlier.

" I'm sorry. I really am..... It won't happen again" Kong said pouring all the sincerity in his voice, he was speaking truth and he needed for Arthit to believe it. From now on their understanding and faith in each other were only two key ingredients that were going to decide fate of their relationship.

" I know Kong ..... I know. I just need time to digest this. You know I'm a clingy person .....a clingy lover. I need to have you close, physically ....... Close enough that I can see you, touch you, kiss you ... comfort you, hold you in my arms whenever you look troubled.
I had prepared my mindset for you leaving in six months, after your graduation.... But you moved out all of a sudden....... I don't know how to deal with it........ or Will I be even able to deal with it....." Arthit fell silent, after few heart beats he lifted his head from Kong's chest, craning his neck he met Kongpob's gaze

" I'm whining , ain't I ? " Arthit asked, his eyes gleaming with unshed tears..

" No, you are not. You are talking your mind......majority of us doesn't have guts to do so . Half of the relationships falls apart because people keep their insecurities in them, show a fake brave and mature facade, they let their insecurities grow like a cancer until it festers uncontrollably and consumes their whole relationships , leaving behind a gaping hole never to be filled.
I'm happy that you aren't afraid to accept that you are hurting, pained or angered by me ... ... I'm happy that you have guts to speak what goes on in your mind. I wish I develop the guts to do so. "

Sotus:Poles Apart [ Complete] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora