Part II

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"I was beginning to wonder or not if you would go to the Bar with us," Nick said, as he bought drinks to the table.

"I'm not a drinker that's why, and lately I think I needed this," I told him, thanking him for the drink.

Everyone seem to enjoy themselves, I watched as my co-workers tried to play all the games. The drinks kept ongoing, but I knew if I didn't stop them soon they would hate tomorrow.

I made sure everyone got home safe, Nick was the last one. He never told us where he stays at all.



"Where do you want me to drop you off?"

"Uhh, whe- u wa me" he said, I laughed as I got him into my car.

"Hospital it is"

Thank god, he didn't puke in my car. The hospital wasn't too far from the Bar. Once I parked, I helped him to get to one of the on-call rooms. I grabbed an IV fluid bag, that might help him.

I checked my watch, it's 2 in the morning. I started walking towards my car. I could hear footsteps not far behind me. That when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I immediately kneed him in the shin.

"Fuck, Matthew" that's when I realized it was Nick.

"I'm so sorry"

"Why are you following me?"

"Are you ok?"

"Help me up, would you?" I took his hand, helping him in my car.

Even though he looked like he was still in pain. Now he understood, I can take care of myself. Not to mention, I can drive my own car.

"Drop me off at my place"

"Where might that be"

"Even after you kneed me, you have an attitude"

"Nobody told you to follow me"

"I had to make sure your safe"

"Well, that's your punishment then," I said once the GPS started telling me the directions.

I had to help him up to his apartment, and then open the door and lastly to his room. I can't help but feel he was using me now.

I checked the time it was 3 in the morning, I double-checked to make sure he would be fine. Just as I was leaving his room, he grabbed my hand.


"I got work in the morning, I thought you wouldn't want anywhere near you now"

"If this is how bad pain is, imagine how good pleasure would be," he said looking at me, his hold tightens a little bit more.

Damm, if this was how he looked with clothes on his bed. Imagine... stop you have work and no time for a fling now.

"It's too late, just stay"

"I promise I'll be on my best behavior"

"Ok, but you stay on your side," I said taking off the extra layers.

I hated sleeping with too many layers. I felt his eyes on my body, the entire time. As I got in the bed, he got in as well.

"Your side, this is mine"

"You got it" 


"You need to pick me up," Nathan said just as I answered his call,

"Excuse me"

"Your father called me over for dinner, I need you to pick me up since you'll be heading there anyway"

"First off, why do you think I will be heading home?"

"It's a Sunday, you always come back for dinner"

"How would you know that?" I asked just as I got in my car, I started the engine and waited for my phone to connect to the car. I started looking for his address again, damm him.

"I'm always watching over you...Now hurry" he said hanging up the phone.

I grabbed a nice platter of cookies from the nearby bakery, I made it to Nick's place in about 30 minutes. I started knocking on his apartment door, hearing heavy footsteps yelling closer towards the door.

"Took you long enough"

"Are you ready?"

"Does it look like I'm ready?" he said snapping at me, he had no shift on. Shaving cream on his neck, but no shaver. I followed him to his room, he has his head tilted so that he can use the blade to get rid of the extra beard hair.

"Your gonna hurt yourself like that," I said against the wall, smiling at him struggling.

"Since your the expert, why don't you do it?" he said looking at me through the mirror, I saw him smirk as I left to grab a chair. He looked surprised when I came into his bathroom very close to him.

"Sit, I'll do it" I grabbed the towel and placed it on his right shoulder, I grabbed the blade. Just as I began to start, an idea popped into my head. I smiled as I stare down at him from above.

"You don't mind do you"

"Go ahead, just don't cut me"

I started cleaning up his mess, but instead of using the towel, I used the sink, moving closer so he can see my backside close up. I felt his eyes on my ass, a smile forming on my face.

"I got to get a better angle," I said, standing in front of him,

I bent down slowly feeling his eyes watching me the whole time. I sat down on his lap, hearing him inhale a little too loud. I tilted his head up a little bit more, moving closer to his neck, my breath against him as I started getting rid of the rest of the hair. As I wiped the foam on the towel, I felt his member getting hard. This is beginning to be better than I thought of. I moved back a little, to wash the blade in the sink before starting the process all over again. With all the movement back and forth, I've been straddling him for a while now. His member pressing against my ass, his breathing rapid for a few minutes.

"Ar-re youu donne?" he whispers out, hoarsely. I grinned at him, he swallowed while I watched his Adam's apple.

"Almost.. am I bothering you, Nathan?" I asked sweetly, feeling his member pressing more.

"Fuuck" he whispered, a little too close to my ear. My own member feeling the effects of his body, his heat, his words so close to mine.

In the beginning, I had been enjoying every moment, now it had become my own form of torture and that's where I need to end it for both of us. I looked at my work, dropping the blade in the sink. Getting up and using the towel to clean up the extra beard hair that was down his neck.

"Your good, now I'll wait for in the car," I said looking away, making my way out his room. I heard a loud groan, curses and a hand slammed on something hard.

As I walked downstairs to my car, I couldn't help think that I'm playing with fire and sooner than later I would get burned if I kept on going the way I was. 

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