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The Ball was in full effect, I saw so many royals that played hide and look trying to look for her. My anger was still there but I understood why.

"Lord McCallister, it's great to see you again," Prince Nick said, he was the other Kingdom we were trying to broker a deal.

"Likewise your highness, are you enjoying yourself?" I asked him, he grinned looking at all the women before turning back to me.

"I am very much enjoying myself," he said, I knew he was going to ask.

"I don't seem to see the Dark Knight anywhere," he said, my anger starting back up again.

"Have you seen her before?" I asked him, he looked at me.

"No, but I heard all the tales. Will, she not come to the Ball?" He asked me, his guards, making their way towards us.

She had shown up from nowhere, standing right behind him. Her cloak was covering her body but I knew she was prepared for anything.

"Prince Nick, I've heard you've been looking for me," she said, I watched as his face showed pure fear before he covered it up to turn facing her. His guards were now pushing people to protect him.

"Dark Knight, I presume," he said, holding his hand out just as his one of his guards stood behind her.

What I witnessed next was a masterpiece. She turned just in time and twisted the guard's hand. His knife dropping, she dropkicked him. The next two came at her together, she moved out of all their attacks.

The Ball was now stopped and everyone's eyes on the fight. She turned towards King Daniel, he nodded. Her attacks went from brutal to subduing them. Nobody died, and I think some in the crowd were disappointed.

"My king wishes no bloodshed, I must oblige," she said looking at Prince Nick. Everyone cheered for her, whistling and applause.

"Name your price," he said,

"I will give you double what King Daniel is," he said sounding very serious. She smirked moving closer towards him.

"I will give you what your heart desires most," he said, she stopped in front of him. Leaning towards his left side which was right in front of me.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked him looking straight into my eyes.

"Whatever it is, is worth the Dark Knight," he said loud enough for everyone to hear. The whispered started, with many people guessing at what she was going to say.

"Death," She said looking at me,

"I want to leave this world, will you give me that Prince Nick," she said, her eyes revealing nothing while I felt the tears in mine.

"That's my heart's desire," she said moving back looking at him, his face was blank.

That's when I felt it, something was wrong. I don't know what exactly yet but my gut was warning me.

I moved to see what his reaction was. It was one that I just had once. Fear but the anger I didn't know where it came from. That's when I looked over at what he was looking at.

Out of nowhere, warriors came down. I grabbed my sword ready to fight. I looked over towards her, she had killed the guards from before. Grinned at me before joining the fight.

It was a bloodbath, the King was ushered out to safety along with many royals. The remaining people either fought back or tried to run.

The bodies kept on falling as we tried to get the warriors out of the palace. Somewhere in the fight, I lost track of her.

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