Dark Knight

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I woke up in my bed, turning to my side to look at the other side of my bed. I felt my heart ache for just a moment before getting up to start the day.

The winds left a mess behind my house, so I had to clean it up. I just cleared up one side of the area when I saw horses come up to my property.

I kept on clearing even when they got out and made their way towards me. I heard the knock but I still kept on clearing the branches. Eventually one of them realized I wasn't in the house and started looking around my land.

The footsteps came closer until they weren't a few yards away. They waited not bothering me, I finished the other side just as I felt my hungry grow. I looked up to see them watching me, all looking down except one.

He was the leader, out of the three of them. They were guards of the King, I recognized that armor anywhere. Since I once wore that exact clothing. I dusted my hands off and started the walk towards them.

"What is it that the King wants from me?" I demanded from them.

The one to the left of the leader looked at him before looking towards me just like the one on the right. The leader moved a step forward and held his hand out to me. His weapon at his ready but if he heard the stories he knew it wouldn't last against me.

"It is an honor, my Lady," he said, I waited for him to continue.

"We are sent here by the War Council, he wants you to come with us," he said as he grabbed a letter from one of the men. He handed it to me.

I opened it slowly, I saw his ensign knowing the old man would have done something like this. His letter heading with my birth name, calling me to come to see him before he dies of old age. I snort, he's been using that saying since I came into his care.

"Tell him, I will be there in two days time," I told them, the leader wanted to protest.

"I will need to settle my affairs before going to him, I have a home and nobody to take care of it," I said it wasn't for their benefit but if they tried to take me when I didn't want to go, I would have no problem burying them in the back of my house.

"Of course, my Lady." He said before they all bowed and left. I watched them get on their horses and make their way off my land.

I walked inside my house, shutting the door behind me. I took off my work clothes as I head towards my room. I changed into something more comfortable. I sat on my side of the bed facing the other. I let my hand slowly making its way to his once pillow. I smelled it, the scent was gone. Left a few years ago but his memories still lingered.

"I don't know what he wants, but I won't let him take me from you for too long," I said smiling, the tears stopped just about the time the scent fade but the pain in my did not.

I turned to face the mirror looking at myself, it's been so long since I have. I looked just as I was all those years when I first came into this house. But my eyes no longer had the life in them, it was gone along with the hints of smile lines as well. My face is hard and expressionless just like my heart.

I got up and started to pack for the journey that might change my life or take me to Him. 

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